Računalništvo, telefonija
30.08.2011 12:54
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Businesses Need Simple Shop POS Software

Businesses Need Simple Shop POS Software
Businesses Need Simple Shop POS Software

Utilizing a point of sale (POS) system is critical for any type of business. There are dozens of benefits to these programs aside from the time and money that they save business owners. With so many different POS programs to choose from it is often hard to determine which will be the best for your business. Simple Shop POS software is a unique program that offers all of the benefits of a high end program in an easy to use, reliable interface that any business owner can navigate and benefit from.

Features of Simple Shop

From the moment you open Simple Shop you will feel at ease with its basic interface. Tabs at the top direct business owners to inserting employee information, adding invoices to be paid, processing orders and managing online shopping carts. This Windows compatible program is designed to work with any type of POS printer which means there will never be new computers or printers to purchase. Additionally, Simple Shop caters to business owners around the world with its multi-language option. Regardless of whether you operate a bakery, a processing plant or a small hair salon; Simple Shop can offer the POS features you need in this all-in-one software.

Benefits of Simple Shop

Need a reason to love Simple Shop? Here are some of the benefits that business owners can expect when they choose Simple Shop POS software:

  • Improved customer relations through better communication and order processing.
  • Impressive customer service through an easy to use interface that keeps employees working instead of navigating the screen.
  • Easy invoicing with the all-in-one approach that allows Simple Shop to manage eCommerce shopping carts, input invoices and email or fax work orders all at once.
  • Invoice management which means that no invoice will be forgotten to be paid or billed to the client.
  • Sales trend monitoring through the system data collection which will track spending trends for your business and its customers to help you be more efficient.
  • Increased efficiency and less stress, time and money because Simple Shop handles all of the backend aspects of running your business.
  • Easily produce POS bills, A4 Bills, A4 Proforma Invoices.
  • RFID Card Detection

License Options and Other details

Simple Shop features a Normal License that has no time limit on use and a variety of added possibilities which include:

  • RFID License with no time limit
  • Custom License Text with no time limit
  • Lease or Rental with a time limit
  • Access Control

Simple Shop has been published by Red Zion d.o.o and is available for sale and download through POS Systems Inc at http://www.pos-systems.in/.

This program is the best choice for POS programs because it is universal and compatible. Licensed users will receive all new functions and upgrades to the program on a weekly basis. Simple Shop is also the most affordable POS system that does not require any prior knowledge or learning to operate. There are a variety of tools for creating reports and making bills as well. Simple Shop supports CubeCart, VirtueMart, osCommerce and Drupal as part of its eCommerce shopping cart management feature. Finally, Simple Shop also offers top notch customer service to clients all over the world.

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