07.01.2019 12:00

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Znani nominiranci letošnjih Game Developers Choice Awards

Bo tako kot na The Game Awards tudi tu nagrado za igro leta odnesel God of War?
Bo tako kot na The Game Awards tudi tu nagrado za igro leta odnesel God of War?

Game Developers Conference bo 20. marca že devetnajsto leto zapored v San Franciscu podelila nagrade najboljšim ustvarjalcem video iger. Po številu nominacij vodi Rockstar z vesternom Red Dead Redemption 2, sledita pa mu Santa Monica Studio z God of War in Insomniac Games z Marvel’s Spider-Man z vsak po šestimi nominacijami. Podelitev bo ponovno povezoval Tim Schafer, dolgoletni veteran studia LucasArts in ustanovitelj Double Fine Productions, ki trenutno pripravlja Psychonauts 2.

Nominacije po kategorijah:

Najboljši zvok:
Celeste (Matt Makes Games)
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Rockstar Games)
God of War (Santa Monica Studio/Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Marvel’s Spider-Man (Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Tetris Effect (Monstars and Resonair/Enhance)

Najboljši debi:
Moss (Polyarc)
Florence (Mountains)
Gris (Nomada Studio)
Yoku’s Island Express (Villa Gorilla)
The Messenger (Sabotage)

Najboljši dizajn:
Marvel’s Spider-Man (Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Celeste (Matt Makes Games)
Into the Breach (Subset Games)
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Rockstar Games)
God of War (Santa Monica Studio/Sony Interactive Entertainment)

Najboljša mobilna igra:
Alto’s Odyssey (Snowman)
Florence (Mountains/Annapurna Interactive)
Reigns: Game of Thrones (Nerial/Devolver Digital)
Holedown (Grapefrukt Games)
Donut County (Ben Esposito/Annapurna Interactive)

Nagrada za inovacijo:
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Rockstar Games)
Florence (Mountains/Annapurna Interactive)
Nintendo Labo (Nintendo EPD/Nintendo)
Tetris Effect (Monstars and Resonair/Enhance)
Return of the Obra Dinn (Lucas Pope/3909)

Najboljša pripoved:
Florence (Mountains/Annapurna Interactive)
God of War (Santa Monica Studio/Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Marvel’s Spider-Man (Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Return of the Obra Dinn (Lucas Pope/3909)
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Rockstar Games)

Najboljša tehnologija:
Marvel’s Spider-Man (Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey (Ubisoft Quebec/Ubisoft)
Forza Horizon 4 (Turn 10 Studios and Playground Games/Microsoft Studios)
God of War (Santa Monica Studio/Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Rockstar Games)

Najboljša grafična podoba:
Gris (Nomada Studio/Devolver Digital)
Marvel’s Spider-Man (Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment)
God of War (Santa Monica Studio/Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Return of the Obra Dinn (Lucas Pope / 3909)
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Rockstar Games)

Najboljša VR/AR igra:
Budget Cuts (Neat Corporation)
Beat Saber (Beat Games)
Tetris Effect (Monstars and Resonair/Enhance)
Moss (Polyarc)
Astro Bot Rescue Mission (SIE Japan Studio/Sony Interactive Entertainment)

Igra leta:
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Rockstar Games)
Return of the Obra Dinn (Lucas Pope/3909)
Marvel’s Spider-Man (Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Celeste (Matt Makes Games)
God of War (Santa Monica Studio/Sony Interactive Entertainment)

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