Računalništvo, telefonija
15.02.2010 16:11
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Opera technology fuels new eStore

Operators can now quickly and easily distribute widgets across their customer base
Opera technology fuels new eStore
Opera technology fuels new eStore

Opera Software today announced that Ericsson has selected Opera to help deliver a comprehensive application store solution, called the Ericsson eStore. With Opera Web technology, including Opera Mobile, Opera Mini and Opera Widgets, the eStore enables operators to provide a branded application store to their subscribers. The eStore concept offers a wide variety of free or premium Opera Widgets, as well as native applications.

With Opera providing the client framework for the eStore, operators are now able to distribute exciting new content across multiple channels and device types. Opera’s cross-platform capabilities allow the eStore to serve as a one-stop-shop for customers to purchase and start using new applications on their mobile phones and other devices.

“By using standards-based Opera technology, Ericsson is empowering operators to bring more choice and convenience to their customers. And with this additional revenue stream, operators can now better target new users groups and retain existing customers through new, useful applications that can run on multiple device types,” said Jon von Tetzchner, co-founder, Opera Software.

The Ericsson eStore is now available in 25 markets worldwide, reaching more than 1 billion subscribers throughout more than 100 operator networks.

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