Računalništvo, telefonija
06.03.2012 10:13
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Simple Shop – just what your small business needs for easy invoicing!

Simple shop
Simple shop

Owners of small businesses and services are always on the look for a way to cut down their operating expenses from day one. And since invoicing is an integral part of the sales process, it is also a potential cost saver. If you have just launched your company and don’t yet have a budget to purchase expensive POS invoicing software, you should take a look at affordable alternatives, such as Simple Shop.

Simple Shop was specifically designed for the SMB market, but it can potentially accommodate the needs of larger companies thanks to a balanced set of features it offers. Simple Shop supports regular A4 and POS printers of all types, thus enabling companies to save a considerable amount of investments in hardware and software that are so hard to make on the initial stages. The product will be a perfect choice for travel agencies, dentists, bakeries, grocery stores, laundries, massage parlors, beauty salons and other small and medium service companies in need of an efficient, yet inexpensive invoicing solution.

Apart from standard usage scenarios, Simple Shop can also be used in combination with such popular e-commerce solutions as CubeCart v4.x, osCommerce v2.x and VirtueMart v1.x. Simple Shop features a number of built-in modules, including an account management module, a products catalog, an inventory management module, a database of customers and employees, a tax calculation module and others. The software supports the majority of popular Windows versions and has extremely modest system requirements, which makes it suitable for installation on virtually any computer used in your company.

Simple Shop is easy to install, a pleasure to use and an invaluable asset for your business, so don’t miss a chance to check out the official page for more details!

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