PS3 volan Ferrari

Cena: 279,90€

PS3 volan Ferrari
  • PEDAL SET: 2 metal pedals integrated directly into the cockpit (for total stability)
    • Metal pedals with long range of travel, inspired by the shape of the pedals on the Ferrari 430 Scuderia.
    • Brake pedal with magnetic resistance for enhanced realism.
  • COCKPIT: streamlined with adjustable metal structure – folding and transportable, for easy storage
    • 2.4GHz wireless system: 10m+ range with no latency.
    • 50 hours of battery life with 4 AA LR6 batteries (not included).
    • Wide, weighted base (10.5kg in total) for optimal stability.
    • Adjustable, rigid metal structure: an infinite number of possible positions according to the user’s size (adult/child) and seating type (sofa/chair).
    • Foldable structure with carrying handle for easy storage.
    • Position locking system: ultra-efficient and easy to use.
    • Streamlined, with the metallic colors of the Ferrari 430 Scuderia “musetto”.
  • WHEEL: exact replica of the Ferrari F430 wheel (7/10 size)
    • Ultra-precise wheel with new H.E.A.R.T HallEffect AccuRate Technology™ magnetic sensor technology, featuring 12-bit precision (4096 values on the wheel’s rotation).
    • Sequential Up & Down gearshift levers crafted of metal, for Ferrari GT-style driving.
    • XXL wheel: 28cm in diameter!
    • Genuine “Manettino®” dial with 5 backlit positions, to configure your wheel directly in the game (driving sensitivity, programming system, etc.).
    • Rubber-textured grip, for optimal comfort.
    • 100% programmable, with internal memory.
    • Detachable wheel: cockpit takes up minimum space when stored.
    • Compatible with 100% of PlayStation®3 games and PC USB games (Windows®7/Vista/XP).

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e-asist d.o.o.

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Kingston Technology

Middlesex, TW16 7EP, Združeno kraljestvo, , Tel: +44 (0)1932 738888
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E-športna zveza Slovenije (EŠZS)

Zvezda 19, 1000 Ljubljana,
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