Računalništvo, telefonija
25.02.2010 15:53
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CREO Color Servers Offer Support for Latest Industry Standards

Compatibility with MICROSOFT WINDOWS 7 and MAC OS X v10.6 now featured
CREO Color Servers Offer Support for Latest Industry Standards
CREO Color Servers Offer Support for Latest Industry Standards

Kodak’s Print On-Demand Solutions Group has announced that all CREO Color Servers now fully support MICROSOFT WINDOWS 7 Operating System and MAC OS X v10.6. Support for the latest industry standards is part of the commitment to help printers maximize their investments and help them meet their customers’ demands.

“Our goal is to develop solutions that make it possible for customers to support any new industry standard. To that end, we adapt our technology to work with the most recent third-party technologies,” said Hezy Rotman, General Manager, KODAK Printing Workflow Solutions. “It’s our function to present our customers with the ability to strengthen their service offerings and provide a seamless workflow to their clients. This in turn can help them grow their businesses and increase their bottom line revenue.”

Supporting the latest industry standards such as MICROSOFT WINDOWS 7 and MAC OS X v10.6 gives existing customers upgrading to WINDOWS 7 or MAC v10.6, or new customers already using these versions, complete compatibility in their production environment. Kodak’s Print On-Demand Solutions Group makes it possible for its customers to use the most current operating systems with no workflow changes required.

CREO Color Servers are the premier solution for print on-demand professionals. They provide superior connectivity to graphic arts workflows, automation, exceptional color and image quality, advanced Variable Data Printing (VDP) capabilities, and extensive document printing functionality to boost productivity. CREO Color Servers incorporate a robust technology platform to optimize the performance of digital production printers and presses, and increase efficiency and cost effectiveness over the entire print production cycle.

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