Gaming consoles
PC & Mobile technology
31.05.2024 08:00

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Zotac hinted at the presentation of a handheld OLED computer

Zotac hinted at the presentation of a handheld OLED computer

Another famous name has embarked on the path of making a PC gaming handheld. We were recently treated to a picture of the Zotac Zone computer on Xu with a 7-inch high-refresh-rate touchscreen and two-stage adjustable triggers. The screen will (surprisingly) have an OLED panel, which is currently only available on the Steam Deck and Nintendo Switch consoles.

This could be quite an important advantage over competing devices such as ROG Ally, Legion GO and MSI Claw, which, despite the rather high price, still opted for an LCD screen.

Zotac will reveal more details about the handheld during the Computex event. However, the Zotac Zone doesn't appear to be ready for launch just yet, as the company says it will have "functional prototypes" at the event for visitors to try out.

While Zotac is preparing its first generation of handheld computers, the competition is already preparing the second. ASUS plans to introduce the ROG Ally X as early as June, Lenovo is said to be preparing a cheaper version of the Legion GO Lite, and we might even get a Steam Deck 2 next year.

The price of the Zotac Zone device is not yet known, the guts are said to be based on AMD components (most likely the Ryzen Z1 Extreme), but for what else we will have to wait.

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