Operating systems
02.05.2024 08:49

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Windows 12 back in the spotlight

The new Windows 12 could be available for download between July and October this year. The novelty will of course be completely free for Windows 11 users.
Windows 12 back in the spotlight

When will we get the new Windows 12? Is it really coming this year? What will be new? Will only the AI features, Copilot and maybe minor design tweaks be new? It sounds pretty boring and maybe none of it will come to fruition. It would be a little unusual to get a new Windows 12 already this year, since Microsoft usually inflates the release of the new system by several months. But the latest online rumors suggest that this may not be the case.

If rumors are to be believed, the new Windows 12 will most likely be available for download between July and October this year. The novelty will of course be completely free for users of Windows 11 operating systems. Installation will be enabled through the update system.

According to current online rumors, the new Windows 12 should bring many advantages to users. Among them all, the completely renewed graphic interface will stand out the most. This will be much more focused on the user. Of course, this should also bring some new features to users. Among them all, the built-in artificial intelligence will stand out the most. This will be directed at the user of the operating system. In practice, this means that it will provide a much better user experience. In addition, it will help him in performing more demanding tasks and solving problems.

Of course, we will need a relatively powerful personal computer to run the Windows 12 operating system. It will be necessary to have a newer personal computer with at least a gigahertz 64-bit processor with at least two processor cores and a frequency of at least one gigahertz. The rest of the hardware will need to include at least eight gigabytes of system memory and at least 64 gigabytes of data storage space. In addition, the personal computer will have to have the Trusted Platform Module 2.0 security platform, which is true for all modern systems.

The Windows 12 operating system is said to require a screen with at least a 9-inch or 22.9-centimeter diagonal, a 720p resolution and an 8-bit color palette to display content. In addition, the PC will have to have a number of other technologies available, such as Secure Boot UEFI and WDDM 2. The graphics card will have to support DirectX 12. More about the Windows 12 operating system will be known soon.

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