20.06.2023 14:33

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Why is it important to be ranked first in the Google browser?

Today, it is very important for any business that appears on the web to appear as high as possible in the Google browser. In fact, it has never been more important than right now. If you are not on the first page, it is almost as if you are not online at all.
Most (more than a third!) of users click on the first offered link in the search results. And you want to be right there, otherwise you're losing traffic. Photo: Freepik
Most (more than a third!) of users click on the first offered link in the search results. And you want to be right there, otherwise you're losing traffic. Photo: Freepik

The first page is necessary if we want to be valid online. The first three places on it are highly desirable. Are you not among the companies that are on the first page of the Google browser? By doing this, you are losing a lot of traffic and consequently revenue.

Today, it is not only important that your business gets on the first page of browsers, it is even more important that it stays there. And the competition is brutal. To be successful online, you need to be on the first page of Google regardless of industry, in which you do business. That's why without the right SEO strategy, you are losing a lot. SEO optimization is all about improving your website so that it ranks as high as possible in browsers. We also wrote about what you need to pay attention to in the article Make sure you are on the first page of the search engine.

If you are not on the first page, you can forget about visiting the website from this address. Only here and there will you be found by some online inertial person.

More and more search for services online

The number of online searches is constantly increasing. To make the situation even more alarming, we need to know that the majority (more than a third!) of users click on the first offered link or connection in the search results. And you want to be right there, otherwise you're losing traffic.

Either way, the first page is important because that's how you get customers. The higher you are on the first page, the easier it is to be found and the better it is for your "business".

The best indicator of what has been said is the CTR (Click through rate) of the displayed search results. CTR is the ratio between impressions and clicks, or the percentage of users who clicked on a search result.

If you want to be successful online, you need to be on the first page of Google, no matter what industry you're in. Photo: Unsplash

"How can I be among the first hits?"

It all depends on the keywords you are targeting and the amount of traffic in your niche. If you want to improve your website's search engine optimization (SEO), various tools can also help you.

The first page of Google search results is extremely important for your business. It's a place where people search for things that interest them. If the page ranks on the first page of Google, you will receive more traffic from search engines and organic search results. More traffic from search engines means more exposure to your target audience, be it readers, consumers or whoever.

Organic traffic comes from search engines based on user actions. It's a free way for businesses to generate leads. That's exactly why On-page SEO optimization is so important - it brings you customers without having to invest additional financial resources.

The first page of Google search results provides the majority of traffic. To ensure that your website does not lag behind, you need to optimize it for search engines. The ultimate goal is to rank in the top three search results for relevant keywords. In addition, the first page brings additional benefits.

One of them is more clicks (Click-Through Rate) and traffic. Information that is very eloquent and that they can, if we "google" here and there, or we use the browser in practice, we nod.

The first result has a click-through rate (CTR) of 36.4 %. The second result has CTR 12.5 %. The third has a CTR of only 9.5 %. After that, the CTR keeps falling, but the difference between the first and third place is already obvious. That's why you need trained experts who will take care of the SEO optimization of your website.

Another big advantage is increased brand presence and authority. If you have quality content on your website, you can appear on the first page of Google despite tons of ads.

Being at the top for your website therefore means about 36 % traffic share. Who would resist that?

Higher position, greater credibility

What about the credibility of sites that are not on the first page of search results? Although it may be a credible website, its credibility is much less if it is found on (for example) page 3 rather than page 1 in the browser.

Comparison with physical store

Let's imagine that we have a physical office in a shopping center of a big city (or in a populated location, next to a road, etc.) or in an unpopulated area far away. The difference is, of course, obvious. And without any other input, the location does its thing, sales are higher and the business is booming.

If we move online, the first places in Google searches are this great location of a brick and mortar branch. First places do their thing and business is booming. Of course, with some effort, a good product or an offer or a whole business that is worth it.

So being on the first page of search results is like having your business location in a prominent place. Increased views generate more brand awareness. Increased brand awareness translates into conversions.

A number of different factors play a role in SEO optimization and ranking in search results. Photo: Freepik

Some important things we may not think about

Here are a few more little things that are important. Because of them, you will not suddenly be on the first place of searches, because for this you need someone who deals with SEO optimization, but sometimes "the devil is also in the details", which in the long run add a pebble to the mosaic of your business and appearance on the web.

One of the goals of your business is to answer the questions your target audience is searching for. This way, visitors who are browsing for purchase options can find you more easily. These people are your potential customers.

Most consumers do "online research" on Google before making a purchase decision. You probably do this yourself. With a "People Ask" section (or something similar), answer boxes, and displaying business information (location, contact information, descriptions, customer reviews, Google Maps, and reviews), visitors can get a lot of information about your business just by looking at search results on to Google.

In general, high-quality content is one of the factors that can keep you on the first page of Google. This can take a lot of your time, but it also means increased traffic from searches and building trust. Content should always be adapted according to the changing interest and needs of the readers. Informative content related to your industry attracts more readers.

The Internet has changed the world, the way we operate, search and shop. Google has made information always at your fingertips. Now customers can easily search and compare multiple products before making a purchase decision. Being on the first page of Google is a magnet for potential customers and puts you "at the top of the food chain."

Would you like to have a website that ranks on the first page of search engines? With this article, you only got a general and partial insight into the "science of SEO". If you would like more, you need experts. As we pointed out at the beginning: a well-optimized website can be the difference between a successful and a failed business.

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SEO optimization

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