Smart watches
17.10.2023 08:42

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Why is the first generation Google Pixel Watch charging slower?

Why is the first generation Google Pixel Watch charging slower?

If you've noticed that your Pixel Watch is taking longer than usual to charge, you've come to the right conclusion. For an as yet unknown reason, Google slowed down the charging speed of the Pixel Watch with the latest update. However, the latest version of the Pixel Watch 2 did not experience the change.

As discovered by 9to5Google, shortly after the launch of the Pixel Watch 2, Google updated its Google Pixel Watch technical support and specifications page. This happens very rarely, but in this case Google deliberately slowed down the charging speeds.

Before the change, the American giant claimed that the smartwatch could charge from 0 to 50 percent in 30 minutes. The Watch 2 still reaches that speed, but its predecessor now takes 45 minutes and 15 minutes longer to charge to 50 percent, respectively. It also takes 20 minutes longer (75 minutes) to reach 80 percent battery charge and 30 minutes longer (110 minutes) to reach full charge. For comparison, the same intervals for the Pixel Watch 2 last: 30 minutes, 43 minutes and 75 minutes. The reason why the Pixel Watch now takes longer to charge is related to the latest firmware update. According to Google, “a firmware update for Google Pixel Watches required a review of charging times.”

Google's statement did not give any serious indication as to why this kind of change was made. The charging speed is only adjusted in cases where there is excessive overheating during charging or when it is determined that something is wrong with the health of the battery. According to our data, most existing Pixel Watch users have had no complaints about overheating, which makes Google's decision all the more surprising. It could also just be a tactic to make the newer watch more attractive to buy.

The battery life of the Google watches is already not overly impressive, and increasing charging times will only further irritate users who will look for alternatives outside the Google ecosystem. Huawei, Garmin, Suunto, Polar... The choice is huge and Google will have to be careful not to lose the existing user base in the future.

They could also be a little more transparent about the unexpected change. The change was noticed by third party observers, but for such a decision one would expect a public announcement and also a clear explanation. Apple is another company that has come under fire for deliberately slowing down older phones. Although it has not lost too much reputation, it is enough to start raising doubts about the company's integrity among a certain group of users.

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