01.10.2023 09:02

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How did the Intel Core i9-14900K perform?

How did the Intel Core i9-14900K perform?

Intel is preparing for the release of the 14th generation of processors (Raptor Lake), which, in general, is just a refresh of the previous generation and not a true evolution. They will appeal more to users using older processors (such as Alder Lake), and users of 13th generation processors will likely only see a few percent performance improvement. Not enough to justify a purchase.

While Intel is currently preparing these processors for review and delivery to the market, apparently a few users are already testing engineering samples. In CPU-Z, one such processor scored 978 points in single-core mode and 18,117 points in multi-core mode. That's a 9.7-% improvement in single-core and an 8.4-% advantage in multi-core mode over the 13900K.

Razlika je, logično, še bolj izrazita pri primerjavi z modelom 12900K, kjer je razlika po podatkih spletne strani TechPowerUp kar 19,4 % v enojedrnem in neverjetnih 59 % v večjedrnem načinu. Novi procesor so testirali tudi na Geekbench 6.1.0, ki je deloval na operacijskem sistemu Microsoft Windows 11 Pro 64-bit, in postavil je nov rekord za enojedrno zmogljivost. Dosegel je 3121 točk, kar je 1 % hitreje od rezultata 13900K, ki je znašal 3089. Kljub temu v enojedrnem načinu ni bilo veliko za pričakovati, saj je število jeder enako in so bili za 200 MHz povečani zgolj takti. To omogoča, da procesor 14900K deluje s taktom do 6 GHz pri najvišjem povečanju. V večjedrnem testu je bil nekoliko počasnejši od modela Core i9-13900KS, ki prav tako dosega frekvenco do 6GHz in je približno enakovreden modelu 13900K.

As always, when there is a CPU or GPU refresh, it will not be of interest to owners of the latest architecture, but rather to owners of previous generations. As this is the last series of processors for Intel's LGA 1700 platform, it might appeal to those who joined the Alder Lake architecture almost three years ago, and Raptor Lake owners will probably react to these processors with a bored yawn.

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