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31.05.2024 08:30

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What did Sony present at May's State of Play?

For the third time this year, we were able to sit down at the computer and monitor what we will be able to play on the PS5 and PSVR2 VR glasses.
What did Sony present at May's State of Play?

I know many people who will not be overly impressed with what was shown, although we did not leave the event empty-handed. They'll be more upset that somehow midway through the PlayStation 5's lifecycle, the number of games that would make someone spend hours on the console, or perhaps finally make the switch from PS4 to PS5, dried up. Criticism also flies in the face of the fact that quite a few of the presented games will also be available on personal computers, which at least does not bother me. The concept of exclusivity seems outdated to me and I like that Sony is moving away from it as well. Now we have to convince Nintendo, which will be a much tougher nut to crack.

Now we can get down to the games.

Concord: release date and gameplay footage

Sony kicked off its State of Play event with a new trailer for the upcoming multiplayer shooter (5v5) Concord, which is being developed at Firewalk Studios. In the video, we meet a team of hired mercenaries with whom we will pass the time, and the game will be released on August 23 for the PlayStation 5 console and also for PCs. In the trailer we also got a glimpse of what the combat will be like, we saw some weapons and such.

God of War Ragnarok is coming to PC in September

News that isn't the least bit interesting for PS5 console owners, but for PC fans, this news is heavenly. We've been waiting almost two years for this masterpiece to come to PC as well, so we can continue the story of Kratos and his son Atreus. We already have an official date, September 19.

The PC version will also include the Valhalla add-on and some PC-optimized features, such as support for ultra-wide monitors, unlocked fps, and DLSS and FSR support. The only bad news is that Sony will require PC users to get a PlayStation Network (PSN) account. The account is free, so I guess that shouldn't be a problem, at least not in Slovenia. Some countries don't support opening a PSN account, so they'll be less excited about the news there.

Dynasty Warriors Origins is coming next year

In the game Dynasty Warriors Origins under the auspices of the KoeiTemco studio, we will once again have to fight our way through a horde of enemies.

The game will try to show the chaos that happens when three kingdoms fight each other. We'll be controlling a nameless hero, and the developer says we'll take advantage of everything PlayStation 5 has to offer and create battlefields like no other.

Infinity Nikki beta test towards the end of the year

Infinity Nikki, the action-packed open-world RPG from former Zelda director Kentaro Tominaga, got another trailer at the State of Play event. What we know so far is that it's an adventure game with an emphasis on costumes. The main character Nikki, together with her friend Momo, will travel to several countries with their unique culture and history, which we will have to explore. There is no official release date yet, but the beta test is coming towards the end of the year.

We will train martial arts in the game Where Winds Meet

Where Winds Meet was first presented at last year's Gamescom event, and now it has been confirmed that the game is also coming to PS5. It will take place during the period of the Ten Kingdoms, and we will assume the role of a swordsman, which will depend on how the conflict will unfold. Our decisions should have a significant impact on the story. Alas, kung-fu will not be missing either, with which we will show our enemies that it is not good to eat cherries with us. Unfortunately, we do not have an exact release date.

Dark RPG Ballad of Antara is coming next year

“For the new IP, we wanted to create a vast world, both in geological scale and cultural differences. The normal version of this world is inhabited by ordinary people,” explained the blog post of the game Ballad of Antara. “In another version of the world, strange encounters and events await you. We call this unimaginable part of the world 'Para'. The fundamental elements of the normal world have been taken from the intrusion of an ancient force and trapped in the world of Para, and this is where our story begins.”

That's what the developer TipsWorks wrote, and at first glance the game looks quite encouraging. There are some touches of the Final Fantasy franchises, Elden Ring, and you could name them. Definitely a game worth watching.

A new VR game from the developer of Dead Saints & Sinners

Behemoth is the next project from Skydance Games, the developer of The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners.

Set in a "forsaken land" described as "a once great civilization", now devastated, we must discover what lies beneath the surface. Of course, various enemies will make our work more difficult.

But the game is intended for fans of virtual reality. It will be available for the PSVR2 VR glasses as well as Meta Quest and Steam VR. Very encouraging news for fans of virtual reality, who often do not have much reason to rejoice at such events. Let's hope that other developers also recognize that virtual reality has its advantages and the possibility of unique storytelling.

The xenomorphs will scare us again

A new game from the Alien franchise is coming. Alien: Rogue Intrusion is the next from this cult horror franchise.

Developed by renowned VR developer Survios, Alien Rogue Inclusion is powered by Unreal Engine 5, which means we can expect fantastic graphics. I recently played Senua II, which is also based on the said drive, and I can say that the experience is phenomenal. The game is single-player, but they promise a good and branching story. We fans can't wait to once again be able to slaughter and hide from these fearsome creatures.

The release date is December 2024, but only on PSVR2 VR glasses.

Marvel superheroes also on PS5

We already knew about the Marvel Rivals game that it was coming to computers (Apple and Windows), but now we have learned that we will also be able to play it on PS5 and Xbox. We don't have an exact date yet, but the beta test is scheduled for July. It is a "shooting game" in which we will fight against others, and we will take on the role of famous heroes and villains (Hela, Warlock, Venom...). Of course, the focus will be on using the special powers that Marvel characters are known for. Collaboration with others will also be an important element.

Until Dawn is coming in Fall 2024

Developer Ballistic Moon revealed a new trailer for Until Dawn in January, showing off the improvements the studio has made to the graphics and animations.

While we still don't have an exact release date, the presentation revealed a few more details - Until Dawn is expected to release on PC and PS5 this fall.

Silent Hill 2 Remake has a release date

Konami has revealed that the highly anticipated project, the remake of Silent Hill 2, will be released on October 8th. For both PC and PS5.

In addition to the release date, Konami and studio Blooper have released a new trailer that shows another look at what's going on in the game. We saw even more fighting, including a scene where Silent Hill 2 protagonist James Sunderland battles the terrifying Abstract Daddy towards the end.

In addition to the release date, we now know that Silent Hill 2 Remake is also likely to appear in the upcoming Silent Hill Transmission, which will air after the State of Play event.

We will get a new Astro Bot game

Developers Asobi have revealed that a new Astro Bot game is coming – this autumn. What they have been whispering for a long time has now turned out to be true. But it's coming exclusively to PS5, no other versions have been talked about.

We received a trailer that gave us a glimpse of gameplay elements. However, it was revealed on the blog that we will be exploring over 80 different levels across six galaxies. We will explore beaches, forests, volcanoes, accompanied, as always, by iconic music and numerous references to other games. The studio promises that this will be their most ambitious game yet.

Path of Exile 2 (beta test at the end of 2024) and Monster Hunter Wilds also got new trailers. You can watch the entire State of Play 2024 event in the video below.

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