PC & Mobile technology
29.12.2023 14:40

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What did Slovenians most often search for on Google this year?

Every year, Google publishes the words that users searched for the most. Of course, the most interesting thing for us is which words are at the top of searches in Slovenia this year.
What did Slovenians most often search for on Google this year?

Ob zaključku leta nam Google že tradicionalno postreže z “Letom v iskanju”. Tokrat so na vrsti iskanja v Google Trendih, ki so najbolj zaznamovala leto 2023. Rezultati vključujejo podatke o iskanjih v Googlu v Sloveniji ter že tradicionalno ponujajo pregled nad zanimanji Slovencev v spletu.

What things, people and concerts were we searched for the most on Google in the coming year 2023? What was the most searched for book in the last 12 months? Which movie caught people's attention the most? Interesting questions that offer expected, unexpected and surprising answers every year.

Celebrities and concerts

The most searched person on Google last year was a radio and television host, satirist and impersonator Sašo Hribar, which is also the most popular Google search in 2023. It is followed by Tina Gaber, partnerka predsednika vlade Roberta Goloba, and in third place is the most successful rock singer of all time Tina Turner.

That 2023 was marked by concerts is also proven by the second most searched password this year - Best FM. Most wanted concerts this year there was, among other things, a concert Halid Bešlić, Severine, Siddhartha and a concert Let's stand TOGETHER for Urban.

Prices, books, movies and some surprises

Among the popular Google searches of Slovenes in 2023 are also prices, books and movies. Med prices is in first place general price comparison, and they are in second and third place fuel prices and vignettes. The books that we searched for the most in Slovenia in the Google search engine are book by Nina Osenar Kontrec, Klemno Selakovič and Martin Golob. While it ranks first among the most popular movies Oppenheimer, a 2023 biographical thriller written and directed by Christopher Nolan, are following him Barbie, Warner Bros.' most successful film, then a romantic comedy Something sweet, a film directed by Alejandro Monteverde The sound of freedom and a suspenseful crime thriller Breakdown.

A look at the most searched questions that start with a questionnaire "how", is moving away from the coronavirus pandemic this year to focus on more general searches. In 2023, Slovenes were most interested in: how to check the validity of the vignette, how the tree fell and how the squid breathes.

Year 2023 in search (Slovenia):

The most popular general searches in Slovenia:

1. Sašo Hribar

2. BestFM

3. Tina Gaber

4. Tina Turner

5. Oppenheimer

Most searched prices:

1. Primerjaj cene

2. Nove cene goriv

3. Cena vinjet

4. Nove cene cigaret

5. Cena goriva na Hrvaškem

Most searched concerts:

1. Best FM

2. Halid Bešlić

3. Severina

4. Siddharta

5. Stopimo skUPAJ za Urbana

Most searched books:

1. Knjiga Nine Osenar Kontrec

2. Knjiga Klemna Selakoviča

3. Knjiga Martina Goloba

4. Knjiga Matthewa Perryja

5. Henryjeva knjiga

Most searched movies:

1. Oppenheimer

2. Barbie

3. Nekaj sladkega

4. Zvok svobode

5. Zlom

Most searched "how to" questions:

1. Kako preveriti veljavnost vinjete

2. Kako je padlo drevo

3. Kako diha ligenj

4. Kako porabiti beljake

5. Kako znižati pritisk

Discovering the most searched trends of all time

Google je letos praznoval 25. rojstni dan – ta jubilej obeležujemo tako, da se oziramo nazaj na trende, ki so v preteklih letih vzbudili skupinsko radovednost. 25 let guglanja nam daje veliko materiala za raziskovanje, vključno s skoraj dvema desetletjema podatkov o trendih. Ljudi po vsem svetu pogosto navdihujejo isti trenutki in iščejo iste odgovore.

Nogomet, najbolj iskan šport na svetu, in Cristiano Ronaldo, najbolj iskani športnik, dokazujeta ljubezen do igre, ki presega meje. Status Taylor Swift kot najbolj iskane skladateljice poudarja globoko povezanost, ki jo ljudje čutijo z njeno glasbo in posledično med seboj. Skupno človečnost vidimo tudi v najbolj iskani poizvedbi “kako pomagati”: kako pomagati ljudem. In čustvenček srček, najbolj iskan čustvenček, ki razkriva še eno univerzalno temo – našo skupno potrebo po ljubezni in razumevanju.

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