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27.05.2023 10:00

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What is Snapdragon Satellite Communication? Everything you need to know

Android phones in various price ranges will soon get satellite connectivity.
Photo: Pexels
Photo: Pexels

Satelitska komunikacija pod taktirko naših prstov ni več stvar vohunskih romanov in znanstvenofantastičnih televizijskih oddaj. Najnovejši iPhone se v nujnih primerih že lahko poveže s sateliti. Zdaj pa podjetje Qualcomm, ki ga najbolj poznamo kot proizvajalca mobilnih čipov, prinaša to tehnologijo tudi na telefone Android. Ime Snapdragon Satellite se je na medmrežju začelo pojavljati v začetku leta 2023.

Phones expected to support Qualcomm satellite communications are almost here.

Here's everything you need to know about Snapdragon Satellite Communications. How will it work and what impact will it have on smartphone usage?

Qualcomm's entry into the field of satellite connectivity

As the name suggests, the Snapdragon Satellite is Qualcomm's entry into the field of satellite connectivity. Most Android smartphones already use Qualcomm's Snapdragon family of chips, which means the feature will have a significantly larger number of users than the latest iPhone's satellite connectivity. We can expect it to be available on all Qualcomm chips with integrated 5G support, including the cheaper 4-series chips.

Tako kot ostale možnosti satelitske povezljivosti pri pametnih telefonih, tudi Snapdragon Satellite ni namenjen zamenjavi vašega mobilnega načrta. Namenjen je samo za tiste trenutke, ko izgubite tako mobilno kot Wi-Fi povezavo – ko ste izgubljeni v divjini, ko ste obtičali na nepoznanem vrhu ali pa se sproščate na križarki sredi oceana.

The Snapdragon Satellite won't replace your mobile subscription, mainly because it doesn't support voice calls or data.

It goes without saying that satellite is expensive and slow, so you can't use it for everything. According to Qualcomm, the Snapdragon Satellite will initially only support urgent text messages, with regular messages to follow later.

When you need to connect to emergency services, the feature will first connect to the Garmin Response system. It will then transmit your GPS coordinates to local emergency services.

Later, the Snapdragon Satellite is said to also allow sending and receiving regular text messages (no support for voice calls or data transfer), but with a strict limit of 140 bytes per message. Although it may seem (too) little, this is a slightly larger amount than Apple's solution, which currently only works for emergency calls.

How does Snapdragon Satellite work?

Qualcomm says its flagship Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chip is already compatible with satellite connectivity, but the feature isn't ready yet and therefore not available to the public.

As for how the technology works from a technical perspective, Qualcomm's latest 5G Snapdragon X70 modem brings support for the new ultra-high frequency bands. This allows the phone to communicate directly with satellites in low orbit. Because these satellites are placed higher than typical terrestrial telephone towers, they can provide coverage over a much wider area.

Like Garmin, Qualcomm uses the 66-satellite Iridium satellite constellation for the Snapdragon Satellite, based in Virginia. If the name Iridium sounds familiar, it's because Garmin also uses the company's satellites for its inReach communications devices. On the other side of the scale, Apple has partnered with Globalstar for satellite connectivity, which has a constellation of 48 satellites. As already mentioned, Qualcomm and Iridium have a key advantage. Snapdragon Satellite will have greater coverage around the world.

Unlike the iPhone's satellite connectivity, which won't work above a certain latitude, Qualcomm is emphasizing pole-to-pole coverage. Those who live in northern Canada or Alaska will be even more pleased with the new satellite feature. Initially, the Snapdragon Satellite will only be available in North America and Europe.

According to a demo we saw at CES 2023, it will eventually be possible to use your existing phone number to send text messages even when connected to a satellite. Therefore, it is very likely that Qualcomm also cooperated with the operators in establishing the satellite platform.

Which Android phones support Snapdragon Satellite?

You might be wondering if manufacturers can simply issue a software update to enable Snapdragon Satellite on existing Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chip phones. Probably not.

Poleg pravega čipa in modema bodo pametni telefoni morali imeti tudi posebno strojno opremo za anteno. Preprosto povedano ne pričakujte, da bodo vsi vrhunski pametni telefoni iz leta 2023 podpirali satelitske klice. Na primer Galaxy S23 Ultra zagotovo ne podpira potrebnih pasov.

Nevertheless, Qualcomm is likely to try to launch the Snapdragon Satellite as soon as possible, as it is already facing stiff competition in this field. In addition to Apple's initiative, US carrier T-Mobile has partnered with SpaceX to enable satellite coverage on its network in the future. This promises satellite connectivity for all existing 5G smartphones, not just those with specialized modems and hardware.

This is what it looks like when using satellite connectivity on iPhone 14.

Once Snapdragon Satellite is up and running, you'll most likely need to use a special menu or interface to help point your smartphone in the direction of low-orbit satellites. It may take a few seconds to establish a connection, especially if there is a possible obstacle between the user and the satellite. According to Qualcomm, treetops can also cause delays of around ten seconds per message.

Qualcomm announced at MWC 2023 that we can expect the new technology by the end of 2023.

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