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25.03.2023 11:05

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What is IFTTT and how does it facilitate automation?

Automate almost anything in just a few clicks.
How can IFTTT simplify automation for you?
How can IFTTT simplify automation for you?

Naprave za pametni dom prinašajo udobje v naše domove, saj olajšajo upravljanje naprav na daljavo in prinašajo novo raven avtomatizacije. Najlažji način, da naprave delujejo med seboj, je zagotoviti, da so od istega proizvajalca ali ekosistema. Novi protokol Matter obljublja enostavnejšo medsebojno komunikacijo med različnimi izdelki in odstranitev mej med blagovnimi znamkami. Kljub temu vsaj v tem trenutku vsi izdelki niso združljivi s protokolom Matter ali drug z drugim. Lahko pa podpirajo IFTTT, kar olajša medsebojno sodelovanje naprav različnih proizvajalcev.

IFTTT stands for If This Then That (if something happens, it triggers something else) and is a platform that combines many solutions and systems. You don't need in-depth technical knowledge to use it. In addition to smart home devices, IFTTT works with most web services you already use, such as Gmail and Twitter, so this service is worth your attention if you're looking for ways to create conditional workflows.

What is IFTTT?

Next to Tasker, IFTTT is perhaps the most well-known automation tool. It's been around since 2010 and helps you create applets, which are simply simple scripts or scripts that work with many services and devices. You can trigger these programs manually or automatically based on rules and conditions that you pre-determine.

You'll come across products and services that won't support IFTTT by default, but you can work around that limitation with these webhooks.

IFTTT programs are based on conditions, or triggers, which means that a certain event automatically starts a script that you have composed. For example, you can use IFTTT to create a scenario where the lock automatically locks when you leave the house and activates the house alarm at the same time. Or to turn on the sprinklers twice a week on a sunny day.

The possibilities are huge, if not endless. The main advantage of IFTTT and similar services is the excellent interoperability. You'll be combining platforms and devices that aren't usually best friends. IFTTT is also compatible with Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa, so it can help you control some smart speaker devices even though they aren't compatible with each other.

You can also play with more advanced features, such as adding a delay after a triggered event before continuing to run the same or a different program. You can add multiple actions within one program, meaning that one event/trigger can turn on multiple other actions. For example, if it's a particularly hot summer day, you can set the air conditioner to automatically turn on at 30°C and close the blinds. Those who are more skilled will be able to create more advanced programs with JavaScript.

Some features are locked for free use. Fortunately, the monthly subscription fee for the paid Pro packages is not exorbitant.

Create your profile and browse through the already created IFTTT programs.

How to get started with IFTTT?

You can create your own program or choose from an existing IFTTT library. A huge community regularly shares their programs, so you're likely to find at least one suitable program for your needs. To get started, create a profile on the website and follow the steps below.

  1. Log in to your profile or install the app on your smartphone.
  2. If the website does not redirect you to the section Explore, you can do this in the upper right corner.
  3. You can filter by already created programs (applets), services (Facebook, Twitter...) or stories that are like a manual for certain scenarios.
  4. When you find the appropriate program, click on Connect.
  5. Check again that the conditions match and test the program as well.

You can also create a program according to your wishes.

  1. Log in to your profile and click on Create in the upper right corner.
  2. Besides If This click on Add, to define the trigger.
  3. Do the same at Then That, where you will define what should happen when the trigger fires.
  4. If you click on the + symbol (between the two sections), you can choose the delay time between the trigger and the performed action.
  5. This is where the journey ends for free users. The Pro subscription allows you to add and perform multiple actions with a single trigger.
  6. When you're done creating, click Continue. Name your program and start using it.

Is a free profile enough or should we consider a paid subscription?

IFTTT allows for endless combinations unless you are a free user. Free profiles are limited to only 5 programs, each of which can perform only one action. This is enough for those of you who are just starting to learn about automation. You can partially bypass the program limit by creating multiple profiles, but you'll still miss out on those more advanced features, especially multitasking.

Naročnina Pro poveča število programov na 20, ki lahko izvedejo več dejanj istočasno. Naročnina je smiselna za bolj napredne uporabnike in lastnike pametnih domov, ki želijo avtomatizirati večje število naprav, po možnosti različnih proizvajalcev. Vstopnina v ta elitni klub niti ni pretirano visoka. Na mesec boste morali odšteti 2,5 €.

There is also a Pro+ package that allows the use of an unlimited number of programs. In addition, it allows you to link multiple accounts, which is convenient for those of you who, for example, have several properties that you want to automate. You'll get access to advanced features including queries, filter codes, and developer tools. The monthly subscription is €5.

Advanced IFTTT features

IFTTT offers advanced features that developers, tech enthusiasts, and the curious love. Among them are the very popular webhooks, which allow you to integrate IFTTT with services that are not supported by default. Unlike existing applets, you create a webhook and specify different values. The learning curve is a bit steeper than when creating applets, but once you get the hang of it, you'll have more advanced options to choose from. For example, if you have your own server at home, you can use it with IFTTT via Webhooks.

With a Pro+ subscription, you can use queries and filter codes to customize programs. The query allows you to add an additional condition before the trigger fires. Filter codes are snippets of JavaScript code that you can run within IFTTT to further customize programs.

Automation within everyone's reach

IFTTT is suitable for both basic and more advanced users. Basic customization of the programs does not require any technical knowledge, nor does it require any financial investment. For more advanced features, however, you will need time, some knowledge and a monthly financial investment.

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