Operating systems
01.03.2024 17:45

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Two years for the unique ChromeOS Flex

The Google ChromeOS Flex operating system is compatible with Windows and macOS PCs. In addition, it is free.
Two years for the unique ChromeOS Flex

Until now, Google's Chrome OS operating system has only been available for certain computer models, such as Chromebooks. Two years ago, Google decided to make a change: they adapted the system for all PC users, completely free of charge. It is a version of the ChromeOS Flex operating system, which reached its final or stable version in July 2022.

Google ChromeOS Flex is compatible with Windows and macOS PCs. The novelty is suitable for both educational institutions and business users and is fully compatible with all other Google cloud services. The key advantage of ChromeOS Flex is that it boots in seconds. Therefore, it is also suitable for computers that cannot boast of fast startup or fast hard drives. It requires only four gigabytes of system memory and only 32 gigabytes of disk space to operate. Of course, it can also be used on more powerful systems.

The interesting Google ChromeOS Flex operating system is fully compatible with more than 400 different PCs from manufacturers such as Apple, Dell, HP and others. A complete list of fully compatible systems is available at https://support.google.com/chromeosflex/. The Google ChromeOS Flex operating system will otherwise work on all devices that meet the minimum requirements for its installation and use.

We will be able to use the free ChromeOS Flex without worry, as it contains all the necessary security solutions. The operating system is otherwise available for free download at https://chromeenterprise.google/os/chromeosflex/. The novelty can be installed via a USB memory stick or via the network. When existing users log in, all their data and settings will be automatically synchronized with the new computer.

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