09.05.2024 09:00

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The Sims 5: Release date, speculation and more

The Sims 5: Release date, speculation and more

Fans of The Sims franchise – get ready – because here comes The Sims 5 or “Project Rene”. This was the longest period between the previous and the new main version since the series began. The Sims 4 really didn't spoil us with countless extras to keep us glued to our screens, and that's exactly why we're more than ready to continue. Every time a new installment is released, the franchise's biggest fans are somewhat skeptical about what features to expect—both new and returning old ones.

We don't have all the answers yet, but a lot is already known about the new game The Sims 5.

Release Date Rumors

For now, the secret name of the game is called “Project Rene”, but until the official name of the game is known, we will just use The Sims 5. Unfortunately, no additional details about the exact release date are known. Game developer Maxis officially announced in October 2022 at the Behind the Sims Summit event that they are working on a sequel to the game. The only hint we've gotten so far was a statement from Lyndsay Pearson, the franchise's creative vice president: “For the next few years, we will continue to share with you all updates about the Rene project.”

Based on all the information, we can speculate that we won't get The Sims 5 before 2025.


So far, it has not been confirmed and officially announced which platforms The Sims 5 will receive, but it is quite obvious that it will be PCs. The "sneak peak" mentioned, among other things, the transfer of the game to mobile devices, which may indicate one additional platform, which would be interesting.


Technically speaking, the announcement of the Behind the Sims Summit event can't be said to be a true "trailer" for the game, but it's currently all we have tangible about The Sims 5. In it, we can see some very early footage of decorating and customizing furniture, but there is still a great deal of what is hidden from view.

User experience

Based on the presentation, we know that The Sims 5 will bring some new systems or at least these are planned. The first is a much more robust version of the Create-A-Style tool that was used in The Sims 3. You will now be able to upload your own custom designs to the gallery and use and place them on furniture. It will be possible to additionally change and edit them on a smaller scale.

Another big news is that The Sims 5 will feature a multiplayer mode, although the full extent of this is still unclear. We know you'll be able to collaborate with friends to share and create, but of course you'll also be able to play completely alone.

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