20.10.2023 13:00

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The price of gold. New records are expected. Buying gold and silver more favorably. You can get up to 1/3 more. Free webinar for our readers.

The price of gold is rising sharply. Due to unfavorable economic, financial and security reasons, analysts are predicting new growth, even reaching new records. How could you buy gold and silver more cheaply? With this knowledge, you can save a lot. That's why it's wise to take advantage of free information.
The price of gold is on its way to record highs. The price of silver has even more potential. Martin Korošec. Photo
The price of gold is on its way to record highs. The price of silver has even more potential. Martin Korošec. Photo

Martin Korošec je avtor prve knjige o skrivnostih varčevanja v zlatu in srebru. Nova knjiga Zlata vredna tako odkriva svet ozadij in velikanskih manipulacij. Zaradi izjemnih dogajanj v svetu smo se dogovorili za free webinar for our readers. You will receive information on how you can buy gold and silver more favorably. You can lower the cost so much that you can even get 1/3 more precious metals.

Participation in the Zlata vrna webinar is therefore worth it in gold. So take advantage of this golden opportunity.

Za zaenkrat še brezplačno prijavo KLIKNITE TUKAJ.

The price of gold and GOLD WORTH information from the practical webinar:

  1. Discover the secrets of buying precious metals: Instead of falling prey to high prices and fees, we'll teach you how to acquire physical investment gold and silver at more affordable prices.
  2. Zlato Okno: Your chance to save up to -20 %: Poglobili se bomo v koncept “Zlatega Okna” in razložili, kako vam lahko prinese celo do 20 % prihranka pri nakupu plemenitih kovin.
  3. Less Commissions, More Precious Metals: We will discover strategies to reduce broker commissions, giving you as much as 1 / 3 more precious metals for the same payment.
  4. Avoid commission losses: We will reveal to you how to avoid commissions when buying precious metals, which can be as high as 33%.
  5. Tax is not an obstacle: +22% more silver without VAT: We will introduce you to tax benefits that allow you to buy physical investment silver without paying VAT, which brings you as much as 22% more silver.
  6. Gold as a long-term investment: We will show you why investing in gold is more profitable than keeping money in the bank by comparing cash, deposits, funds and gold.

All of this valuable information will be provided free of charge and without obligation. Gold and silver are on their way to record highs, and now is the time to learn how you can take advantage of these unique opportunities. Take advantage of this golden opportunity to get information that can save you big.

Za brezplačno prijavo na ekskluzivni webinar Zlata vredna KLIKNITE TUKAJ.

Gold. A new book. In his new book Zlata vredna, Martin Korošec reveals the secrets of investment gold and silver. Photo.

WORTH GOLD. The first book on the secrets of investment gold and silver in Slovenia. New.

Martin Korošec razkriva izjemne manipulacije, skrite stroške, provizije in izjemen potencial zlata in srebra. Zato poudarja: preden kupite en sam gram zlata, morate poznati te Information worth GOLD

How can you buy physical investment gold and silver significantly cheaper?

With the right knowledge, you can get up to 1/3 more precious metals for your savings!

We reveal how you can reduce seller commissions. The highest quality. 999/1000. Good delivery.

A special way to pay no tax and keep all profits legally.

Find out more about a new book that could literally be worth its weight in gold for your future HERE.

Gold graph reveals a strong growth trend

The gold chart reveals a strong growth trend. The silver graph shows even greater potential. Martin Korošec

A look at the gold price growth graph over the last years

Gold, this precious metal, has attracted the attention of investors and analysts for centuries. Over the past few years, we have seen fluctuations in the price of gold, but the main trend has clearly been upwards. Let's see what a look at the gold price growth graph from 2017 to 2022 tells us.

The price of gold rises in response to global events

The price of gold is very sensitive to world events and economic conditions. In 2017 and 2018, we witnessed relative stability in the price of gold, as global financial markets were relatively calm. However, the situation changed in 2019 as a number of global challenges emerged, including the US-China trade dispute and Brexit uncertainty.

The biggest movement in the price of gold was seen in 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic caused great economic instability and uncertainty, causing the price of gold to soar. Investors turned to gold as a safe haven, causing the price to rise rapidly. In August 2020, the price of gold hit a record high of over $2,000 per ounce. Despite record highs in 2020, the price of gold has since moderated somewhat and reached lower levels. However, it should be noted that fluctuations in the price of gold are quite normal and occur for a variety of reasons. Some factors, such as changes in economic conditions, monetary policy of central banks and geopolitical tensions, can greatly affect the price of gold.

The long-term trend of gold price growth

Despite fluctuations in the price of gold in the short term, it is crucial to understand the long-term trend. If we look at the gold price growth graph from 2017 to 2022, we can see that the price of gold is steadily rising despite the fluctuations. This means that gold has retained its role as a reliable store of value.

The end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022 brought a renewed rise in the price of gold. The price of gold reached levels that surpassed the all-time record set in 2011, when the price exceeded $1,900 per ounce for the first time. This suggests that gold remains an attractive investment for investors seeking a safe haven from economic instability.

The price of gold is in a positive growth trend

The gold price growth graph from 2017 to 2022 clearly tells us that the price of gold is in a strong upward trend despite fluctuations. There will always be swings, but the long-term gold price story is still very positive. Gold remains an important store of value and can play a key role in the portfolios of investors seeking stability and protection from economic turbulence.

Gold price

… je odvisna od številnih dejavnikov. Zlato je vedno bilo simbol bogastva in moči, in ni presenetljivo, da obstajajo posamezniki, podjetja in celo države, ki so nakopičile impresivne količine tega plemenitega kovinskega zaklada. Raziskovali bomo največje bogataše, ki so zlato postavili v središče svojega bogastva, vključno s centralnimi bankami, podjetji in posamezniki, ki kraljujejo na področju zlata. Medtem ko je natančno število zlata v njihovi lasti pogosto skrbno varovana skrivnost, se lahko z nekaterimi informacijami presenetimo.

Central banks: Central banks are often the largest holders of gold in the world. For example, the United States holds approximately 8,133 tons of gold, which represents a huge amount of value. The other big holders are Germany, which holds about 3,363 tons of gold, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which owns about 2,814 tons of this precious metal treasure.

Companies: Mining giants such as Barrick Gold and Newmont Mining stand out among the companies that have accumulated large reserves of gold. Barrick Gold owns approximately 1,286 tons of gold, while Newmont Mining holds approximately 1,510 tons of this precious metal treasure.

Individuals: But when it comes to individuals, many mysterious billionaires have included gold in their investment strategy. For example, John Paulson, who became famous for his successful bet against the real estate market in 2007, has invested in gold and owns hundreds of thousands of ounces of this precious metal treasure.

In addition to these classic players in the gold market, we should not ignore the roles of the English royal family. This prestigious family owns impressive amounts of gold, although the exact figure remains a mystery. There is even talk of 3 – 7,000 tons of gold! The royal family's gold has been accumulated over the centuries and is part of its rich heritage.

The price of gold has maintained its purchasing power over the years. This is why gold is the first choice of the super rich. (photo source:

The sheikhs and sultans of the Gulf are another group who invest in gold with great enthusiasm. The emir of the small desert country of Qatar reportedly bought as much as 1,000 tons of gold. With their vast oil wealth, they have the means to purchase impressive quantities of this precious metal treasure. Some of them have even transformed their countries into major players in the gold market.

It is important to note that information about gold ownership in these cases is often shrouded in secrecy and rarely shared with the public. Security measures and privacy are crucial for these wealthy people, as they want to avoid unwanted attention and potential risks.

Finally, in the world of gold there are also collectors who have turned their passions into real wealth. Many collect rare coins, historic gold bars and precious jewelry. Their collections are often worth millions, and these individuals have become true connoisseurs and investors in this precious metal.

In conclusion, gold remains an attractive investment for various players in the global market, including countries, companies and individuals. Although the details of their ownership are shrouded in mystery, it is clear that gold is still highly valued for its historical value and as a reliable investment in times of economic uncertainty.

The value of gold

… izhaja iz njegove redkosti in velikih stroškov povezanih z njegovim pridobivanjem.

First of all, it is necessary to point out that gold is one of the heaviest natural elements. As such, it was not created in processes on our planet Earth. Gold may even be older than the planet itself. The formation of the chemical structure of gold requires such great forces that it is only formed in the event of giant explosions of stars from the order of supernovae. Under unimaginable pressure and heat, gold is formed, but due to enormous forces it flies through space. Billions of years ago, such a golden storm reached the Earth, which was still a lump of hot gases and molten rocks. Because of its weight, most of the gold has sunk deep into the earth's strata, where we will probably never be able to reach the gold.

Only a small percentage of gold can be obtained through river leaching and mining. Gold is the first metal that people started to mine. In fact, the first metal age should be called the Golden Age, not the Copper Age. At the same time, people also began to mine and process silver. As a result of more than 10,000 years of river washing and mining, gold deposits are now found only deep in the earth's crust. Mines that go to a depth of 3 or 4 kilometers are like hell for ordinary people. Unbearable heat, poisonous and explosive gases, low tunnels that break the miners' backs, eternal darkness, suffocating air are just some of the extremely dangerous conditions in which gold is mined. But the reward for miners is not lumps of gold like in the movies. Not even a grain. There is so little gold that the rock in which gold is present in dust is mined. A ton of this rock must first be separated from the live rock with drilling tools. Then break it with heavy hammers into smaller pieces of rock. Transfer them with carts to mining trains with wagons and laboriously bring them to the surface. Then, the gold-bearing rocks must be crushed into dust in the processing plants of the gold mines. And with chemical processes, many washings and physical methods to separate the rock, other metals and impurities from the gold. A ton of shale yields only a few grams of gold. That is why gold has its price. The high cost of extracting gold demands a high price.

The value of gold is conditioned by the high costs involved in extracting gold from mines. | Photo.

Because when the light of the sun sees gold in dust or grains, the story of gold is just beginning. It takes a lot of secure warehouses, military-protected armored transports, further processing and processing before the gold is ready in the form of gold bars or ingots. From here, a fraction of gold, around 5%, is used for various purposes in industry. Due to its high price, only companies with the most advanced and expensive technology can afford it. Thus, gold is found in the most expensive electronic components and the space flight industry. In a way, gold is coming home.

The vast majority, around 95% gold, is preserved forever in the form of investment gold bars of various weights, in the form of various gold coins and, of course, also in the form of jewelry.

Gold is extremely rare. If you could collect all the gold that has been extracted from rivers and through mining over the last 10,000 years, you could fit all the gold into a cube with an edge of 21.7 meters. It's a little bigger house.

If this amount were to be divided by the number of people in the world, there would be only around 23 grams per person.

However, if we consider only the gold privately owned by ordinary people, the figure is even smaller. Around 3 to 4 grams.

Based on an insight into the background of gold, we understand why analysts predict even higher gold prices in the future.

How to buy gold and silver more favorably?

In this way, you could save a lot. In other words, your assets could increase nicely by saving in gold (and silver). To get this free information, sign up for a free webinar WORTH GOLD for our readers.

Za brezplačno prijavo kliknite TUKAJ.

Gold prices are a powerful tool to preserve the purchasing power of your savings

Imagine finding a chest full of gold and silver. In an instant, you would think: this is a treasure. That's worth a lot. What luck.

What would you think if you found a chest full of old money? Let's say a million dollars from a hundred years ago? You might think you've found a million. But the dollar has lost 99% of purchasing power in a hundred years.

During this time, however, the value of gold (and silver) rose sharply. That is why gold and silver are also called natural money. Because it comes from nature. And not from the printing press of central banks, where they can print paper money at will until inflation destroys everything.

Zlato in srebro sta v naši zgodovini vedno igrala ključno vlogo zaščite in rasti premoženja. Vse iz preprostega razloga: zlata in srebra je na svetu malo. Zelo malo.

You won't find reports in the big media that confirm that gold and silver reserves in well-known mines only last for around 15-20 years! If you're thinking a little bit ahead, if you're thinking about protecting your assets in retirement, this information tells you a lot.

Is the bigger opportunity right now in gold or silver?

Zakaj je srebro trenutno 80-krat cenejše od zlata in kakšne priložnosti to prinaša? Česa pa je v resnici manj – zlata ali srebra? In kako se bo to odražalo na cenah v prihodnosti?

The price of gold and the price of silver are interrelated. The key question is which one is more underrated? | Photo.

A golden tax haven

How to buy gold and silver without paying any tax, not even VAT?

All of this will be the topic of the exclusive Zlata vredna webinar.

In the webinar, we will also reveal to you how you can increase the amount of gold and silver without additional payment.

Attend it for free. Apply now HERE.

* The content of the article is not subject to financial advice. Mention of individual investment instruments, cryptocurrencies, shares, funds, precious metals, may only be included for the purpose of describing an idea or for educational purposes. Martin Korošec does not recommend individual financial instruments and is not a financial advisor, stockbroker or registered investment advisor. He recommends that all readers consult with a licensed advisor before making any investment decisions.

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