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30.05.2024 12:15

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The next Doom game is expected to be unveiled at an Xbox event

The next Doom game is expected to be unveiled at an Xbox event

The next Doom game from developers Bethesda and id Software is said to be called Doom: The Dark Ages and will be unveiled at the Xbox Games Showcase event, according to Insider Gaming.

According to the website, fans will get to see the next installment of the first-person shooter franchise as early as June when Microsoft holds its gaming event. They also say that the title has been in development for at least four years, and based on the first details from last year, it may feature a medieval theme.

The next Doom game has been rumored for years, although various titles have been floated in the past. Leaked Microsoft court documents from 2023 revealed a game called Doom: Year Zero. If Doom: The Dark Ages is indeed in the works, this is probably the final name of the same project. This has never been officially confirmed by Bethesda, but has recently filed for a new license name of "IDKFA". If you played the first Doom game, then you will recognize the string of letters as the code that gave you all the weapons, keys and armor in the game.

It's been four years since studio id released the sequel to Doom (Doom Eternal) for PC and consoles in March 2020. In the meantime, they did not rest, as the studio also released the first and second parts of The Ancient Gods at the end of 2020. We don't have official confirmation, but considering that it's been four years since then, and that it's a profitable franchise, there's a good chance that Doom: The Dark Ages is indeed in development and we'll be getting it very soon.

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