Mobile technology
16.04.2024 06:15

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iPhone SE 4 back in the spotlight

The new iPhone SE smartphone is expected to be a significant upgrade over its predecessor. This is true both in terms of hardware and design.
Photo: Apple
Photo: Apple

After a long time, the much-awaited smartphone iPhone SE 4 is back in the limelight. This is supposed to be for sale already towards the end of this year or at the latest in the course of the next. So it's no surprise that new information about Apple's much-anticipated budget phone has hit the web.

The new iPhone SE smartphone is expected to be a significant upgrade over its predecessor. The new Apple iPhone SE 4 is said to be very pleasing to the eye. The novelty will be more consistent with modern mobile telephony guidelines. In addition, it will have a convex opening for the main camera, which will allow the installation of higher quality lenses. This, in turn, will increase the quality of photos and videos.

If the latest rumors are to be believed, the new Apple iPhone SE 4 will use a 6.1-inch or 15.5-centimeter OLED screen with support for Face ID technology to display images. This will at least resemble the front of the iPhone 13 smartphone in terms of shape, while the back will be more reminiscent of the iPhone XR. The built-in camera will support a rich range of technologies such as Deep Fusion, Smart HDR, Portrait Mode and 1080 Cinematic Mode. This means that capturing photos and videos will be a real pleasure.

The hardware of the smart mobile phone Apple iPhone SE 4 will also not be anything to go by. This will include six gigabytes of system memory and up to 512 gigabytes of data storage space. Sufficiently long operating autonomy will be ensured by a battery with a capacity of 3,000 milliampere hours. This will allow up to 20 watts of charging via cable and up to 12 watts of wireless charging.

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