23.02.2024 05:22

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The first patient with a chip in his brain can move a computer mouse

Photo: Neuralink
Photo: Neuralink

The company Neuralink, Elon Musk's technological venture in the field of healthcare, has recently achieved what until recently was considered completely impossible. Its experts have recently implanted a special brain implant or chip in a person. It should have three roles in the future. Two will be aimed at restoring sight, even to those who were blind at birth, and the third assignment will focus on the cerebral cortex, which will restore full functionality to people with a damaged spine or various spinal diseases.

The first goal was recently achieved. A chip implanted in the brain of a completely paralyzed patient allowed him to use a computer mouse. The patient did this with the help of his mind. Credit for this goes to a special chip labeled Telepathy. This was specially prepared for people with motor limitations or without limbs.

This is not a completely new technology. For decades, researchers have been exploring devices that can decode brain signals for practical purposes, such as allowing a person to type words or play video games using only the brain. This gives completely new possibilities to people with congenital or acquired physical limitations.

Elon Musk launched Neuralink more than five years ago with the goal of developing technologies that can improve the connection between humans and computers by implanting chips in people's brains. Until recently, the company only tested its products on animals. Now it's time to test it on humans. But soon it could enter our everyday lives. People with limited ability to use their limbs will gain the most from these chips.

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