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03.01.2024 16:00

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The best UI tools for writing texts

Whether you write for a living or not, the writing process is always a challenge. Many ideas are difficult to communicate clearly, let alone do so with the right style. Just when you think you've finally nailed it, it's easy to overlook typos and grammatical errors. While generative AI won't replace journalists or writers any time soon, it can be a welcome addition to writers of all stripes.
The best UI tools for writing texts

The best UI writing tools

These tools mostly cover the same basic area ie. drafting, proofreading and editing the text for length and style. Some of them are focused mainly on marketing, which is a common theme in this field. Ultimately, if you're a journalist, student, or book writer, your use of AI should be limited.

  • ChatGPT
  • Grammarly
  • Article Forge
  • Jasper
  • Hemingway Editor

Be sure to review your AI results before sharing them with others. There is always the possibility of awkward or unnatural phrasing, not to mention factual errors. In other words, don't expect an AI tool to write your term paper on the Persian Empire and make everything perfect.


ChatGPT je verjetno najbolj očitna izbira, vseeno je to orodje, ki je sprožilo navdušenje nad generativno umetno inteligenco in to z razlogom. Pomaga lahko pri pripravi osnutkov e-poštnih sporočil, trženjskih in drugih pisnih projektov, pa tudi pri lektoriranju besedila in povzemanju tem. Morda se boste morali naučiti nekaj trikov in izpopolniti svoje “prompte”, da boste dosegli želene rezultate, vendar je za večino ljudi ChatGPT morda edino orodje, s katerim se morajo ukvarjati.

Podcenjena je njegova uporabnost pri raziskovanju in “brainstormingih”, saj lahko hitro pripravi sezname in osnutke za pisne projekte ter celo predlaga strukturne izboljšave. Pri raziskovanju ne pozabite zabeležiti virov in jih dvakrat preveriti – to velja za vsa orodja na seznamu in na sploh za orodja umetne inteligence.

ChatGPT is usually free to use, but you may have to wait in line depending on demand. To get around this, you can subscribe to ChatGPT Plus for $20 a month, which brings extra benefits like plugins, faster response times, and access to the latest AI language model.


Zdi se, da so oglasi za Grammarly povsod na internetu, vendar je to resnično uporabno orodje – tudi mi, profesionalni pisci, ga pogosto uporabljamo za preverjanje pravopisa, slovnice in ločil. Prav tako lahko predlaga spremembo sloga napisanega besedila ali stopnjo formalnosti, generator citatov pa podpira sloge APA, MLA in Chicago.

Note that there is a free version of Grammarly, but if you want to get things like tone suggestions, full sentence rewriting, formatting help, and plagiarism detection, you'll need to upgrade to the Premium version. This also increases the number of AI referrals from 100 per month to 1,000.

Article Forge

The developer of Article Forge claims that you can use it to create full-length articles on various topics, equipped with SEO optimization, but we believe that this is only the starting point. A lot of back-up and fact-checking will be required, especially since the tool periodically repeats its materials. This could be a real problem as the subscription price is based on the number of words you need. The minimum price is $13 per month (billed annually) for 25,000 words. A free trial version is available.

Article Forge je uporaben predvsem zaradi tesne integracije z WordPressom, ki je še vedno najbolj priljubljena platforma za spletno objavljanje. Article Forge lahko uporabljate tudi z možnostmi, kot je Microsoft Word. Ne glede na vse je verjetno najboljši za marketinške tekste, saj se bodo ljudje razburili, če boste SEO “vodnike” pisali z generičnimi ali celo napačnimi informacijami o temah, kot so tehnologija, potovanja ali hišni ljubljenčki. Avtoriteta (in človeški vpogled) je v dobi umetne inteligence še vedno pomembna.


Jasper je bolj neposredno usmerjen v trženje in je opisan kot “kopilot z umetno inteligenco”, ki bo skrbel za vse, od e-poštnih sporočil in blogov, do družbenih medijev. Določite lahko vidike, kot so ton, pozicioniranje izdelka, vključno s specifičnim tonom podjetja. Na voljo je tudi veliko možnosti integracije, od brskalnika Google Chrome do Google Docs in Grammarlyja.

It's almost too much for a single article. There are components for project management, publishing, images and optimization including SEO. Jasper supports over 30 languages, and you can even switch between different AI models, which can be crucial if one gets overwhelmed.

We'd recommend something like Jasper over Article Forge, but the fact is that price plays the biggest role here. After the trial, Creeator's subscription for one user is $49 per month or $468 per year, and these costs increase further with the Pro or multi-user plan.

We hate to mention another marketing tool, but is relatively popular, and for non-marketing purposes, you're probably better off sticking with Grammarly and ChatGPT.

Getting down to the nitty-gritty, isn't just for ads, social media, and blog posts, it's also for things like short content and product descriptions. Namely, for these descriptions, you can access the eCommerce dashboard, complete with language translation options and product-specific email chains. As with Jasper, you can define positioning, create voice and style guides, and switch between multiple AI models. The SEO workflow will produce a number of optimized posts in minutes, and you can also set a content calendar to schedule things out.

Ključna prednost orodja je njegov cenovni model. Če želite Jasper uporabljati zgolj zase, je popolnoma brezplačen, čeprav ste pri pogovoru s klepetalnikom omejeni na 2.000 besed in 200 “kreditov”, ki jih lahko porabite za naloge, kot je ustvarjanje vsebine ali pregledovanje spletnih strani. Naročnina Pro stane 49 dolarjev na mesec ali 432 dolarjev na leto, vendar v celoti odklene klepet in poveča število kreditov na 500. Nad tem so še trije načrti – najbolj skrajni je Scale, ki stane 4.000 USD na mesec ali 36.000 USD na leto, podpira pa 200 ljudi s 75.000 krediti.

Hemingway Editor

As you type text into the Hemingway editor, the tool highlights potential improvements with color highlights. For example, the color red indicates an overly complex sentence, yellow sentences are too long, and green contain passive voice. The tool will also rate your writing for readability.

These basic features are completely free. If you want AI corrections or paragraphs, you'll need to pay for the Plus subscription, which costs $10 a month or $99.96 a year and gives you 5,000 AI sentences a month.

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