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27.03.2024 13:30

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The best apps for a happier life in 2024

Are you feeling overwhelmed and stressed? Between work, family and social commitments, there never seems to be a moment to just catch your breath and relax. What if there was an app that could help you find time for yourself even on your busiest days?
The best apps for a happier life in 2024

The General Assembly of the United Nations declared March 20 as the International Day of Happiness on July 12, 2012, and we celebrated it for the first time in 2013. The level of general satisfaction with life depends on several factors. In addition to the economic conditions and prosperity in the country and the financial situation of the household or individual, the feeling of satisfaction is also influenced by health, the position on the labor market and interpersonal relationships. On this occasion, we have collected some interesting applications related to this topic.

What are happiness apps?

Applications for happiness or “happy apps” are designed to help you find time for yourself every day, no matter how hard it is. With their help, you can more easily focus on your well-being and health. Taking a few minutes each day to calm yourself down and do something that makes you happy can help you create a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Science-based happiness apps use principles of positive psychology to help users find happiness, reduce stress and anxiety, build resilience and develop better habits. They work to improve your emotional life, social life and physical health.

While different luck apps differ in their approach, most of them have a few things in common:

  • They offer tips and articles on happiness.
  • They have positive reinforcements for behavior such as badges and rewards.
  • They allow tracking of happiness levels over time.

So if you're looking for a good luck app to help you on your journey to 2024, read on for the top 10.

Action for Happiness: Get Tips

Action for Happiness is a global movement and charity organization from Great Britain, whose main goal is to build a happier and kinder world. Their app of the same name, based on the latest scientific findings, offers the user suggestions of simple steps to achieve this goal.

Key advantages:

  • Get inspired with daily reminders of simple actions you can take to improve your happiness.
  • Follow monthly topics based on the latest scientific research on happiness.
  • Share your words, actions and ideas with others in the community and spread kindness.


  • App Store Ratings: 4.9/5.0
  • Price: Free
  • Access: App Store and Google Play

Final assessment

Action for Happiness is a commendable organization that, with its free app, provides a daily dose of inspiration to users who are trying to build a better world.

Headspace: Sleep & Meditation

Headspace is one of the most popular happiness apps on the market and is highly ranked in all the "best meditation apps" articles, including #1 in the New York Times. It offers guided meditations and breathing exercises to help you relax, manage stress and focus your energy. You can choose from hundreds of meditations, learn mindfulness skills, meditate with friends, and build your own meditation habits.

Key advantages:

  • Access a wide range of guided meditations from top experts to help you manage stress and anxiety and develop a mindfulness practice.
  • Use Headspace's sleep aids, including Sleepcasts, sleep music and soundscapes, to create the perfect conditions for restful sleep.
  • Receive mindfulness reminders that encourage you to take a break, breathe, and be aware of the present moment.


  • App Store Ratings: 4.8/5.0
  • Price: A subscription to Headspace costs $12.99/month or $69.99/year
  • Access: App Store and Google Play

Final assessment

Critics and users have proven that Headspace is one of, if not the best, meditation app. The expert-led content is comprehensive and can be easily incorporated into your daily routine. Headspace guides you through your entire journey of mindfulness, making it easy for you to go from beginner to meditation expert. The app's diverse range of guided meditations caters for all levels, ensuring that as you grow and develop, Headspace evolves with you, continuing to provide you with challenges and insights to nurture your mental and emotional well-being. Meditation App

Founded in 2020, is a vibrant newcomer to the meditation app market. Its genesis, which developed from the annual Mindfulness Summit, the largest mindfulness conference in the world, created by its founders, sets it apart very clearly. As a smaller player in the market,'s strength lies in its close connection with its community, making it extremely adept at delivering meaningful and personalized content that users love.

Key advantages:

  • Receive a personalized video lesson and meditation every day.
  • Be part of a thriving community and learn from world-renowned mindfulness teachers.
  • Harness the power of 1-2 minute microwaves or choose from a variety of talks, classes, meditations and soundtracks to reduce stress and anxiety and sleep better.
  • Do something good: part of your subscription goes to charity and free subscriptions for those with financial difficulties.


  • App Store Ratings: 4.8/5.0
  • Price: Mindfulness Plus subscription is free for a week, then the price is $14.99/month or $69.99/year
  • Access: App Store and Google Play

Final assessment stands out as an application, focused on the user and taking care of him especially in the field of attention. In addition, he is committed to making mindfulness accessible and effective both individually and collectively. When you realize that your personal journey of mindfulness is contributing to the larger goal of promoting a more mindful and compassionate world, you will feel great.

I am - Daily Affirmations

The app offers users daily affirmations to help them focus on their well-being and develop a positive attitude towards life. With topics ranging from self-care to positive thinking, the app has something for everyone.

Key advantages:

  • Choose how long you want to receive affirmations. Whether you need a quick boost (1 minute) or a longer session (5 or 15 minutes), this app has you covered.
  • Customize your Affirmation experience to suit your needs with the app's wide range of themes.
  • Get the most out of your affirmations by placing them directly on your home screen.


  • App Store Ratings: 4.9/5.0
  • Price: I am Premium subscription is free for a week, then it costs $14.99/year
  • Access: App Store and Google Play

Final assessment

I Am – Daily Affirmations is a great happiness app for those who need extra motivation with positive affirmations. With its flexible features and wide range of topics, the app is useful for anyone who wants to improve their well-being in a short period of time.

Wysa: Mental Health Support

Wysa is an artificially intelligent chatbot that offers users a "safe" space in which they can talk to it about their thoughts, feelings and experiences. Users can also access relaxation exercises, meditation and visualization tools to help them feel calmer, sleep better and control their emotions more easily.

Key advantages:

  • Anonymous conversations with a sympathetic chatbot.
  • Users can use research-backed techniques such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy to help manage depression, stress, anxiety and other mental health issues.
  • Wyso can connect to the Health app and get activity reports through it.
  • A chat with a mental health professional is also available if needed.


  • App Store Ratings: 4.9/5.0
  • Price: A Wysa Premium subscription costs $$19.99/month or $$74.99/year, while the “Guided Support” feature (with access to a professional wellness coach) costs $$29.99/week or $$79.99/month
  • Access: App Store and Google Play

Final assessment

Wysa is an AI-powered chatbot that's private and secure, helping you stay on top of your mental health and wellness needs. If you need additional support, you can easily connect with a mental health professional. If you're looking for a safe place to talk about your feelings, Wysa is a great choice.

DailyBean – the simplest journal

DailyBean is an intuitive, simple, minimalist diary application that helps users track their daily life and analyze weekly or monthly results.

Key advantages:

  • Easily and quickly record your mood and activities every day.
  • See the flow of your mood through the monthly calendar.
  • Customize the categories to suit your needs.
  • Add notes and images to your notes.


  • App Store Ratings: 4.8/5.0
  • Price: DailyBean subscription costs $3.99/month or $19.99/year
  • Access: App Store and Google Play

Final assessment

DailyBean is a great diary app for those who want to track their daily mood and activities efficiently and intuitively. With customizable categories and colorful icons, DailyBean is easy to use and a great choice for anyone looking for an app to easily track their daily life and analyze how it changes over time.

Calm down

Calm, a true titan of wellness apps, is a constant companion for millions of people looking to nurture peace and mental health. Calm was launched in 2012 and has since amassed an extensive range of features, from guided meditations and bedtime stories to music and mindfulness exercises. Everything is aimed at relieving stress and improving sleep.

Key advantages:

  • Start or end your day with a fresh perspective through Daily Calm, a 10-minute meditation that changes daily, provides insights, and focuses on different aspects of mindfulness and mental health.
  • Fall into a peaceful sleep with a diverse selection of stories narrated by celebrity voices such as Matthew McConaughey and Stephen Fry.
  • Learn from experts in the fields of psychology, mental health and self-improvement, through in-depth “masterclass” courses that offer guidance and knowledge to improve your mental resilience and personal growth.
  • Stay motivated by tracking your progress and see how meditation affects your life.


  • App Store Ratings: 4.8/5.0
  • Price: Calm Premium subscription is free for 1 week, then it costs $14.99/month or $69.99/year
  • Access: App Store and Google Play

Final assessment

Calm is an all-in-one happiness app that offers a veritable treasure trove of resources. By incorporating Calm into your daily routine, you invest in your mental serenity and empower yourself with the tools and knowledge for lasting personal growth and mindfulness. Considering there's a 7-day free trial, it's definitely worth checking out!


We all know we should take care of our mental health, but finding the time and energy to do so can be difficult. Happiness apps use a fraction of time in your day to help you focus on yourself and create a more balanced and fulfilled life. They help build skills and resilience that increase happiness, promote personal growth and significantly improve well-being.

The apps on the list above are great options to consider if you're looking for a little help on your way to becoming happier and more fulfilled. While some gambling apps require a paid subscription, many include free versions or trials so you can try them out before making a long-term commitment.

Do I need an app for a happier life?

There is no simple answer to this question. Some people may find that happiness apps help them manage their mental health and well-being, while others prefer other methods. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide what works best for you.

Luck apps can be very useful in many ways. First, they can help you become more aware of your emotions. If you're not used to paying attention to your emotions, an app can be a great way to start.

Second, happiness apps can offer you valuable insight into your own happiness. By tracking your mood over time, you may be able to identify patterns and trends that you might not otherwise notice.

Finally, happiness apps can help you set and achieve your goals. If you're struggling to make positive changes in your life, the app can give you the motivation and support you need to stay on track.

If you decide to use an app to manage your happiness, it's essential that you choose the one that's right for you. There are many choices on the market, so take some time to read reviews and compare features before making a decision.

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