Smart phones

How to prepare your phone before vacation?

How to prepare your phone before vacation?

Wherever we go, the phone is always in our pocket or purse. Even visiting the toilet is slowly becoming impossible for many without a phone in hand. When you pack your bags for a well-deserved vacation, you... More
Apple is opening the door to emulators, but…

Apple is opening the door to emulators, but…

... not in the way we imagine or are used to on Android phones. Much stricter rules will apply. More
Does Samsung still deserve the title of best?

What can we expect from phones in 2024?

Will the development be "boring" as in recent years, or will we perhaps see major shifts this year? More
What happens when your phone stops receiving updates?

What happens when your phone stops receiving updates?

What happens when your phone stops receiving updates? Is the phone outdated by then? Need to buy a new one? Or none of these? More
How do smartphone cameras work?

How do smartphone cameras work?

Since there are quite a few unknowns around cameras and a lot of technical terminology (screen, sensors, lenses, focus...), it might be time to clear up some of the fog around how they work.
Photo: Pexels

How can you liven up what's happening on your phone screen?

Tired of always having the same desktop on your phone? Would you like to spice it up? More