
Spicy debate between Musk and WhatsApp boss

Spicy debate between Musk and WhatsApp boss

WhatsApp CEO Will Cathcart has dismissed Elon Musk's claims that the popular messaging app is "exporting your user data every night." Cathcart is right on Xu… More
Instagram and Facebook will no longer share our data

Instagram and Facebook will no longer share our data

Under the changes brought about by the new Digital Markets Act, users will also be able to split their Marketplace and Facebook Gaming accounts, although Meta says they will be in… More
Facebook fulfilled its prediction

Facebook fulfilled its prediction

Facebook recently announced that users will be able to choose between free access and ad-free access for a fee. They have now realized this, not only in the USA, but... More
Deepfake videos are a threat to the general public

Deepfake videos are a threat to the general public

Artificial intelligence (AI) can help us, but it can also be a threat, as evidenced by the recent deepfake videos of a well-known YouTuber named MrBeast, who is unsuspecting… More
Photo: Unsplash

What is AudioCraft, the new AI tool under Meta?

Meta has released a new music generator, AudioCraft, which uses artificial intelligence to create music or sound effects. More
The number of Threads users has dropped by half

The number of Threads users has dropped by half

After the initial excitement and explosion in the number of users, now the Threads platform is not doing well. The product manager says that they will now work intensively to retain as much as possible... More
Meta reached a new record number of users

Meta reached a new record number of users

Meta has come a long way from a small student room to the world's leading social network. This week it reached a new record number of users. More
Photo: jcomp on Freepik

Leading companies agree on safeguards to manage artificial intelligence

The White House announced that seven leading companies in the field of artificial intelligence have committed to managing the risks posed by the new technology. This will include… More