Super tanka prenosna baterija Xiaomi končno na voljo v Evropi
Without a doubt, Xiaomi brings together experts from many leading technology companies who jointly contribute to the achievement of this goal. The latest result of this is an extremely interesting additional mobile or portable battery. This one is even equipped with fast charging technology, which will surely appeal to many mobile device users.
The special feature of the Xiaomi Ultra Slim Power Bank portable battery is its compactness. The novelty is made of aircraft-grade aluminum and is only 10 millimeters thick. In addition, it is very easy to carry. The novelty weighs only 93 grams, which means that it will easily be collected by those who need extra energy, such as on the go.
The Xiaomi Ultra Slim Power Bank portable battery can store up to 5,000 milliamp hours of electricity. The body of the newcomer is made of quality material, and the charging output will always be adapted to the device being charged. The novelty is, of course, compatible with a wide range of mobile devices, and charging takes place with a power of up to 20 watts.
Tanko prenosno baterijo Xiaomi Ultra Slim Power Bank polnimo preko vmesnika USB-C. Tu je na voljo še merilnik napolnjenosti baterije in sicer v obliki štirih diod LED. Podjetje Xiaomi je seveda poskrbelo še za vse ustrezne zaščite, zato so skrbi za varnost povsem odveč. Novost je že na voljo za nakup na nemškem, francoskem in nizozemskem trgu ter je super poceni. Za nakup tanke prenosne baterije Xiaomi Ultra Slim Power Bank je treba odšteti zgolj slabih 30 evrov.