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12.06.2023 12:30

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Star Wars Outlaws is a new open world game that will be released in 2024

Studio Massive has revealed a new Star Wars adventure that will take place in a vast open world. We will be placed in the dirty underworld of crime in the Star Wars galaxy. The game is due out next year.
Star Wars Outlaws is a new open world game that will be released in 2024

Next year, Star Wars Outlaws will take us into the open world of the criminal underworld of the cult galaxy far, far away. Already in 2021, Ubisoft announced that it would publish a Star Wars open-world game in collaboration with Lucasfilm Games. Massive Entertainment, the studio behind The Division 2 and The Crew 2, is developing this sandbox space adventure, which will reportedly allow us to pilot a mix of classic spaceships and brand new creations on different planets.

The game was first announced two years ago, then under the name Project Helix. Since then, very little or rather no official information about Ubisoft's game has been revealed. There were a lot of rumors, including some about the cancellation of the project, but nothing concrete.

In January of this year, creative director Julian Gerighty tweeted about his mysterious Star Wars project. He announced that 2023 would be a watershed year for his team, which naturally sparked speculation about what kind of Star Wars game we could expect. At the time, there were rumors that the game could be released in early 2024.

Project Helix is now officially confirmed for next year, it even has an official name and some plot details. At the very beginning of the Xbox Games Showcase event, Massive Entertainment released a trailer for Star Wars Outlaws, an open-world Star Wars game set sometime during the original film trilogy. This trailer opens with an unnamed female protagonist playing Sabacc in a cantina, telling how the galaxy "belongs to the Syndicate." Her game is interrupted when a pair of bounty hunters arrive, forcing her and her feline alien companion to flee.

A fight soon breaks out in the bar, which helps her escape. Outside, she climbs on a motorcycle as she talks about how she won't hold back anymore. This search for freedom leads her to a ship, where a stranger named Jalen - who at first glance resembles the protagonist Kyle Katarn from the Dark Forces games - offers to help her complete an unspecified task.

Here's some more footage of the Syndicate fighting and an official announcement for a 2024 release. Although no gameplay footage was shown in this trailer, it looks like Outlaws could be an interesting journey through the dark and complex criminal underworld of the Star Wars galaxy. This kind of game style has been in the hearts of fans for some time, who have not yet recovered from the canceled Star Wars 1313 project, where they would have taken on the role of a bounty hunter. Maybe Outlaws is the game where we get to explore this unexplored side of the Star Wars galaxy.

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