PC & Mobile technology
30.05.2024 10:00

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Star Citizen collected more than 700 million in 12 years of development

Star Citizen collected more than 700 million in 12 years of development

700 million dollars and 12 years of development, but the game is still in alpha. Only Star Citizen can do that. But it is fair from the developer Cloud Imperium Games not to hide how much the players have invested in their game so far. The number is displayed on their website and is updated regularly. At the time of writing, they have raised more than US$703 million, with more than 5 million players contributing to the prosperity. If you would like to browse even more, you can view the contributions by day, week and hour. For example: on May 29, they collected over 40,000 dollars in one hour, and well over a million dollars in the whole day. On May 25, they managed to raise almost $3 million.

Star Citizen is considered one of the most controversial games of all time. It's been 12 years since the first crowdfunding, and after all this time, many rightfully wonder if the game will ever be released in its entirety. Their method of monetization is also a constant target of criticism. Spaceships cost 50 euros and more, for special ship colors we have to shell out a few euros or even more, and they also sell a wide variety of digital items to physical items such as figures, caps and the like.

Star Citizen Alpha 3.23, which was released recently, was a major turning point. Not only because of the large number of new game additions, but also because the developer mentions that the full release of the game is very close. In 2024, they plan to release Alpha 4.0 and integrate the features developed for the Squadron 42 expansion (a story involving actors Mark Hamill and Gillian Anderson) into the general version.

All this is said to be preparation for the full release of the game Star Citizen 1.0, for which there is no official or at least tentative date yet. More details are expected to be revealed towards the end of the year.

Many have called the game a hoax and say it will never be released in its full form. But others defend it, saying that they got hundreds of hours of fun for their money that they can't get from other games. The reason is mainly that there are very few space games of such dimensions.

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