18.11.2023 09:00

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Second deadline for applications for training programs in the field of digital competences for children and young people

After the excellent response of children and young people to the first round of training to strengthen digital competences and the promotion and promotion of natural science and technical professions, the Ministry of Digital Transformation has opened applications for the second deadline of the public tender for co-financing training for 2024. Applications are being collected until November 30, 2023. 12 o'clock.
Second deadline for applications for training programs in the field of digital competences for children and young people

On May 26, 2023, the Ministry of Digital Transformation announced the first Public Tender for the co-financing of training for children and young people to strengthen digital competences and encourage and promote science and technical professions (tender), and in June they held two information days with a more detailed presentation of the tender to potential contractors. 21 providers started training at the beginning of autumn, and the response of children and young people exceeded their expectations, as the places in the workshops filled up extremely quickly, and the providers report from the field about the exceptional readiness of children and young people to acquire new digital skills.

On October 6, 2023, they announced the second deadline for applications for training programs for children and young people to strengthen digital competences and to encourage and promote natural science and technical professions for 2024, which will be open until November 30, 2023. For potential applicants, they also organized two information days, on October 9 and 18, where representatives of the ministry presented the tender and answered the participants' questions.

The purpose of the tender is to increase the digital inclusion of children and young people by involving them in informal training programs to promote interest in digital technologies, their understanding and responsible and safe use, as well as the acquisition of digital competences up to the sixth level according to the framework of digital competences for citizens (DigComp 2.21).

Tender applications are accepted in electronic or physical form. Applications that arrive at the main office of the Ministry or at the email address within a certain period, regardless of the delivery method, will be considered timely.

Training programs

The programs from the second term of training, which will be implemented from March to November 2024, are divided into three sections:

Lot A: ICT content for girls and women

The purpose of the activities within this section is to create an appropriate supportive and inclusive environment that encourages research and strives to create an inclusive and equal society and greater decision-making by girls and women for a study or career path in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT).

Lot B: Advanced Digital Technologies

The purpose of Block B is to provide opportunities for children and young people to learn about and learn about advanced digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, data analytics and big data, the Internet of Things, augmented reality, virtual reality, 3D printing, quantum computing, edge computing , robotics and automation, biometrics, cloud computing, autonomous vehicles, 5G technology. Through the activities of this section, participants will develop skills and knowledge and learn about, research the development of, and get to know interesting professions of the future that are developing in the field of ICT.

Package C: Increasing the digital competences of children and young people

The purpose of the activities of section C is to support a wide variety of activities for children and young people, which are interesting, inclusive, relevant in terms of content and enable practical learning and thus the development of their digital competences. In the case of projects within the framework of section C, it is crucial that the activities are related to raising the digital competences of children and young people, the promotion of scientific and technical professions, digital transformation and digital technologies and services.

Each training will last 22 teaching hours, and they can consist of different content elements. An essential element of training is the combination of theory and practice. The training programs, which will be implemented between March and November next year, are intended for children and young people between the ages of six and 29.

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