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21.05.2023 13:20

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Samsung still with Google search engine for mobile devices

Samsung still with Google search engine for mobile devices

Some time ago, there were rumors on the web that Samsung is considering replacing the default Google web search engine for all its mobile devices. The Bing web search engine is expected to take its place. This is becoming more and more interesting for both companies and individuals, and it convinces above all with its built-in artificial intelligence.

Although the Bing web search engine is getting better and better, it is still not a threat to Google among smartphone and tablet users. This is said to be the reason why the company Samsung recently decided that Google will remain the number one search engine in the future.

Pri tem velja omeniti, da Google za uporabo njegovega spletnega iskalnika na mobilnih napravah proizvajalcem naprav plačuje bajne vsote. Tako naj bi Google na račun uporabe iskalnika na pametnih telefonih in tablicah Samsung letno zaslužil kar preračunanih 2,8 milijarde evrov – predvsem na račun spletnega oglaševanja.

However, Google will definitely have to put in a lot of effort to dominate Samsung mobile devices in the future. In particular, he will need to improve in the field of artificial intelligence, called Bard. For now, this is far behind competitive solutions. If this does not improve drastically in the next few months, there is a danger that users will start to leave the Google web search engine for better alternatives.

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