Mobile technology
26.03.2024 14:57

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Samsung finally enabled automatic Android update

The new Galaxy A55 received the ability to automatically install updates to the Android operating system.
Samsung finally enabled automatic Android update

A rather important feature of Android apps is that auto-update is enabled by default. This allows automatic download and installation of current software versions. This effectively ensures that the installed software is safe from online attacks, has the appropriate software patches and provides users with the latest software enhancements.

Automatic updates are also available for the Android mobile operating system. This was made possible by the programmers of Google already with the preparation of the Android 7 mobile operating system. Nevertheless, it took Samsung as many as eight years to make this option available to the users of its smart mobile phones. The first with this option is the new Galaxy A55.

Users of the new Galaxy A55 smartphone immediately noticed a new option to automatically install updates to the Android operating system. The point here is that the download and installation of the new version of the Android operating system is done automatically, i.e. without user intervention. At the end of the process, he only has to restart the mobile phone.

Although the automatic update of the Android operating system consumes part of the built-in memory, according to experts, it will primarily bring more security to users. In addition, it makes updating the Android operating system faster and more pleasant. As mentioned above, the new option is currently only available for the Galaxy A55 smartphone. When it will also be available for other Samsung smartphones, it is not yet known, at least at the moment.

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