18.07.2024 11:53

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Replaceable batteries for electric cars are also exciting in Europe

There are currently 50 battery replacement stations for NIO electric cars in Europe.
Replaceable batteries for electric cars are also exciting in Europe

Although certain electric cars can be charged quite quickly, the problem arises when the electric car goes on a really long journey. That is why the NIO company presented an innovative idea of a replaceable battery system some time ago. In practice, this means that the advanced system would automatically remove the existing battery from the car and replace it with a fully charged one in just a few minutes.

The autonomy of the electric vehicle would therefore be guaranteed in the same time as it takes today to charge fossil fuel vehicles. NIO has set up the first battery replacement stations of its kind in China for their electric SUV ES8. Today, there are already 1,300 such stations on Chinese territory. Recently, however, these stations have become a fixture on the European market as well.

There are currently 50 battery replacement stations for NIO electric cars in Europe. These are currently available in Germany and Norway. They should soon be available in other European countries as well. The last one, the fiftieth, was set up in the Norwegian capital, Oslo.

It should also be noted that more than 63,000 batteries for NIO electric vehicles have been replaced so far. In total, the company delivered more than three million kilowatt hours of electricity. With this, the NIO company actually proved that the interest in this kind of technology is high among electric car users.

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