11.11.2023 14:33

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Premium virtual reality glasses RayNeo Air 2 XR

Photo: RayNeo
Photo: RayNeo

Do you remember Google glasses? TCL believes the time has finally come for fully functional AR glasses that can provide navigation instructions, real-time translation, capture photos/videos, and more. The TCL RayNeo Air 2 XR glasses certainly won't win any awards for looks, but the technology inside the glasses is pretty impressive, and during a hands-on test, testers felt like they were stepping into the future.

TLC RayNeo Air 2 XR virtual reality glasses are as much as 15 percent lighter than their predecessors, weighing only 76 grams. They use 0.55-inch Sony Micro OLED screens to display images. These can render images with a resolution of 1080p. These can show users a virtual screen with a diagonal of up to 511 centimeters.

The two miniature screens offer images with a frequency of up to 120 hertz. In addition, they are fully compatible with Steam Deck, Sony PlayStation and Microsoft Xbox gaming services. Of course, their price is also suitable for this.

TLC RayNeo Air 2 XR virtual reality glasses are valued at 335 euros. These are currently for sale on the American online store Amazon. Soon they will also be sold in the European area.

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