30.07.2024 16:15

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Our UI duplicates are coming to Instagram soon

Meta uporabnikom Instagram aplikacije v ZDA postopoma omogoča, da s pomočjo novega orodja AI Studio kreirajo svoje UI dvojnike.
Na Instagram kmalu prihajajo naši UI dvojniki

The idea behind it is that content creators and business users of the platform will actually use their UI "deputies" in communication with followers. UI profiles will thus respond to comments on their behalf, or rather on their behalf, and talk to followers in private conversations. Meta confirmed to The Verge that users in the US can already use AI studio. They can open a new "UI conversation" directly in the Instagram application or in the online version of the social network.

In a blog, Meta wrote that users will be able to customize their UI profile based on their Instagram content, topics they want to avoid and links they want their UI duplicates to share. They also wrote that each UI profile creator will be able to decide whether they want to use automatic responses and which profiles their UI avatar can interact with.

Get ready for AIs everywhere in Instagram.
Source: Meta

Among other things, Meta decided to catch up with startup competition in the field of creating UI characters, such as Character.AI and Replika. AI Studio also enables the creation of completely new UI characters, which users can then use in various Meta applications. Similar to OpenAI's GPTs and associated store, Meta will eventually offer users to try out other people's UI characters.

Meta's first move with this concept was to have a handful of celebrities create their own UI versions with the same look but with different names and personalities. At the time, Meta chose this approach because it was concerned that UI versions of celebrities would say problematic things on behalf of their human counterparts. (Even with the controls built into AI Studio, this will still happen. After all, we're dealing with generative AI.)

Meta seems to be aware that this is a "problem area". The company says UI profiles are clearly labeled wherever they appear. The company's handbook for creators goes into more detail about the process of creating an AI, and it seems that the creator needs to specify topics that the AI will not deal with. One of Meta's examples of questions we can tell AI not to answer is: “Should I invest in crypto??”

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Social networks Instagram artificial intelligence

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