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26.02.2024 14:36

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Nvidia reached a market value of two trillion dollars due to artificial intelligence

Nvidia's market value has reached $2 trillion, a new milestone for the chipmaker, which is now among the most valuable companies in the world.
Nvidia reached a market value of two trillion dollars due to artificial intelligence

The company's shares jumped more than 4% on Friday morning, and while they're down a bit so far today, Nvidia has seen a record gain on the back of last week's stellar results. The biggest thanks for the company's revenue growth goes, of course, to artificial intelligence, which has greatly increased the demand for chips.

The company's revenue more than doubled to $60 billion last year, and Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang told investors that demand had grown worldwide. Nvidia thus became worth 1 trillion dollars a year ago, and today it is the fourth most valuable corporation listed on the stock exchange, after Microsoft, Apple and Saudi Aramcom.

Nvidia ended the day just below the $2 billion mark after the stock fell slightly after a record jump on Friday morning.

Founded in 1993, Nvidia was initially considered a company focused on the production of computer chips that process graphics, mainly for computer games. Long before the artificial intelligence revolution, they started adding features to their chips that help with machine learning, which was key to the record-breaking growth of the company we're writing about now. Nvidia is thus considered a key player that we must follow if we want to follow the development of artificial intelligence technology around the world.

The share price has almost tripled in the last 12 months. From less than $240 to nearly $800 a share as of Friday. On Thursday, the day after the results were presented to investors, buyers sent Nvidia's value skyrocketing by $277 billion, the biggest one-day jump in Wall Street history.

Analysts mostly commented that such a jump in the value of Nvidia is proof that the entire "boom" around artificial intelligence was actually justified. "It's used for design in the automotive industry, for network planning in telecommunications, it's used in all kinds of companies trying to analyze and collect data that they couldn't before.", Bob O'Donnell, an American technology analyst, told the BBC. "We've reached a point where AI is impacting all businesses, not just specialist tech, and this is a truly huge moment for the industry", he added.

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