Apps and add-ons
08.03.2024 06:39

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No more Android mobile apps for Windows 11

Microsoft will phase out support for Android mobile apps in Windows 11. The final termination will take place on March 6, 2025.
No more Android mobile apps for Windows 11

When Windows 11 was officially launched, access to Android apps was an attractive addition to the new operating system. The computer giant then warned a few months later that this option would not be included right from the start. Namely, Microsoft made it possible to run Android applications within the Windows 11 operating system only at the beginning of 2022.

The ability to run Android apps inside Windows 11 was initially only available to users in the United States and Japan. Later, Microsoft included many other countries. But as everything shows, users were not overly enthusiastic about the new option. Therefore, Microsoft has decided to withdraw support for Android.

Microsoft will phase out support for Android mobile apps in Windows 11. The final shutdown is currently set for March 6, 2025. After that date, Android apps will simply no longer work within the Windows 11 operating system. The latter will most likely be achieved by Microsoft with a dedicated update.

There are several reasons why Android mobile apps haven't caught on in Windows 11. The main one is probably that the Android operating system is adapted to touch screens, which of course is not true for Windows 11. In practice, this means that the user experience is much worse and consequently less interesting for users of the Windows 11 operating system.

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