Software and development tools
04.05.2024 06:35

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New Winamp coming soon

The first final version of the new Winamp should soon see the light of day. This should happen already on the first of July.
New Winamp coming soon

Music lovers may remember that over a decade ago, AOL announced the end of its popular Winamp media player. The announcement, as expected, angered many users. Namely, Winamp was a "must-have" on personal computers for 16 years, which is why it was also popular among some users of Android mobile devices.

It seems that better times are ahead for Winamp. The first update of the player after five years appeared online in mid-2022. It was version 5.9 RC1, which was still in the early experimental phase, so its performance was not completely stable, but still satisfactory. The novelty was fully adapted to the latest Microsoft operating system Windows 11. But its development then stopped.

If online rumors are to be believed, the first final version of the new Winamp should see the light of day very soon. This will bring quite a few innovations, among which the simpler connection with music creators and integration with popular platforms for playing music should be highlighted. The new Winamp will of course be equipped with a completely renewed graphical interface, which should further improve the user experience.

The new Winamp is expected to be available for download on the first of July this year. Music from around 50,000 creators will initially be available to users. By the end of 2028, the offer should increase to millions of creators. More about the new and long-awaited Winamp player will be known very soon.

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