24.05.2023 14:08

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The new Whatsapp with the ability to fix messages

The new Whatsapp with the ability to fix messages

The Whatsapp chat service is extremely popular. Over time, developers add new interesting and useful options that pamper users and ensure a better user experience. The new option will surely please those who make a lot of mistakes when typing or who write a message in a fit of anger. Whatsapp now allows you to change messages after they have already been sent.

Sprememba že poslanega sporočila je sila enostavna. Za to zadošča le, da s prstom kliknemo in držimo na že poslano sporočilo ter izberemo možnost spremeni. A ta možnost je časovno omejena. Uporabnikom je na voljo le 15 minut po poslanem sporočilu. Po preteku tega omejenega časa namreč nova možnost spremembe poslanega sporočila izgine iz menija.

Although they have added the ability to change messages to the Whatsapp chat service, high security is still ensured at every step with the presence of active user-to-user traffic encryption. The new option may already be used by some, but will be available for others in the next few weeks. In order to "activate" it, however, it will be necessary to update the Whatsapp mobile application.

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