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28.09.2023 10:17

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New issue of the magazine: Every home can be smart

New issue of the magazine: Every home can be smart

Smart homes represent a concept in which various household devices and systems are connected and automated with the help of information technology.

This connection enables centralized control of devices such as thermostats, security systems, smart lights, refrigerators, washing machines and even entertainment systems. Users can control these devices with their smartphones, tablets or computers, and some systems also allow control via voice assistants. The future of smart homes is promising. With technological progress, we can expect even better integration between devices and even more advanced functionalities. The possibilities for development are endless. However, advances in this field also bring questions about privacy and data security.

High refresh rate phones: do you really need them?

Android phones with high refresh rate displays have become commonplace.

Even some affordable phones, for example in the price range between 200 and 300 euros, today already offer a screen with a refresh rate of at least 90 Hz, in rare cases even 120 Hz. The best gaming phones are equipped with a screen with a refresh rate of 144 Hz, and we have already seen a 240 Hz phone in the wild. But what exactly is a screen refresh rate? And how does it benefit you in everyday use? Is a screen with a 120Hz refresh rate really that much better than a 90Hz one?

You can check out more content in the latest issue of Computer News magazine, which is already available at your favorite newsstand and magazine store.

In this issue of Computer News, don't miss:

  • How the Philips sound bar with subwoofer performs
  • Apple won't start producing its own 5G modems for quite some time
  • OpenAI introduced a new DALL-E 3 photo generator
  • TikTok received a record fine of 345 million euros

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