Operating systems
03.08.2023 13:00

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Mobile ChatGPT is now also available for Android mobile devices

Mobile ChatGPT is now also available for Android mobile devices

ChatGPT's AI is extremely popular. The credit for this goes mainly to its ability to be helpful to users in answering questions, solving problems and providing information in various fields. With its ability to generate natural language, it enables interactive and user-friendly communication, which users love.

In May of this year, OpenAI, the company behind the development of the popular AI robot, offered ChatGPT as a mobile application. This was initially only officially available for Apple mobile devices (iOS). The interest exceeded all expectations. In just a few days, the ChatGPT mobile application was downloaded by more than half a million mobile users. Therefore, it is not surprising that the application is now also available for Android.

Initially, the ChatGPT mobile app for Android mobile devices was limited to only a select group of users. Now it is available for everyone to download via the official Google Play Store. This is completely identical to the iOS version both in terms of appearance and functionality. In addition, it enables easy history transfer between users' mobile devices.

ChatGPT is completely free for Android mobile users. The novelty is, as already limited, available through the official online store Google Play Store, namely at the web link bit.ly/chatgptRN.

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