Desktop computers
PC & Mobile technology
19.06.2024 06:15

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Microsoft postponed the launch of the Recall feature due to concerns

Microsoft postponed the launch of the Recall feature due to concerns

Recall should be available on all new Copilot Plus computers today. Let us remind you that it is a function that records everything we do on computers with the help of artificial intelligence.

The Recall feature tracks web browsing and voice conversations and creates a history stored on the computer that the user can refer to when they need to remember something they did - even months later.

The Recall feature will only be available for preview in the Windows Insider Program (WIP) in the coming weeks. The original plan was to make Copilot+ available to all PC users on June 18, Microsoft wrote on its blog.

The decision "is based on our commitment to provide a trusted, secure and reliable experience for all users and to seek additional feedback before the feature is made available to all Copilot Plus PC users." Copilot Plus PCs are a category of PCs with artificial intelligence features, which were presented in May.

WIP is a public software testing program that allows millions of "biggest Windows fans" to preview upcoming features of the operating system.

The company said it plans to preview the Recall feature for all Copilot Plus PCs coming soon, following feedback from the WIP community.

How they will address user security concerns is not yet clear. Users accuse the company that the data could be used for espionage. The feature was also covered by Elon Musk.

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Microsoft artificial intelligence

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