Operating systems
04.06.2023 11:57

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Cortana is saying goodbye, replaced by Copilot

Cortana is saying goodbye, replaced by Copilot

Microsoft recently launched a new Windows Copilot project that finally announces the retirement of Cortana for Windows desktops. The tech giant has announced that it will stop supporting the standalone Cortana app for Windows towards the end of 2023. Microsoft introduced Cortana as a voice assistant for Windows mobile devices in 2014. It was their answer to Apple's Siri, but it never reached its level of recognition and popularity.

Over the years, Microsoft has steadily shrunk the development of the voice assistant, ending the stand-alone app for Android and iOS in 2021. The company has even removed it from partner devices such as smart speakers. For Windows specifically, Microsoft has changed its status as a built-in assistant, preferring to turn it into a standalone computer program. And in this form, we will say goodbye to her at the end of the year.

V svojem obvestilu je Microsoft izpostavil, da bodo uporabniki še vedno imeli dostop do ‘produktivnostnih funkcij v sistemu Windows in Edge, ki imajo povečane zmogljivosti umetne inteligence.’ Posebej je omenil tudi novo verzijo Binga, ki temelji na tehnologiji GPT-4 podjetja OpenAI.

In March, however, Microsoft introduced the Microsoft 365 Copilot tool, which can create content in Office applications using text guides.

Then, at its developer conference in late May, the company revealed plans to integrate artificial intelligence deep into Windows 11 with the help of Copilot, a tool that will be available in the platform's sidebar. Users can ask it to perform tasks in the operating system, such as changing the computer's wallpaper, editing photos or summarizing documents, without having to launch applications or search for specific settings. It's likely that very few people will miss Cortana. Those still using Assistant can switch to Copilot, which will be available as a preview version for Windows 11 this month.

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