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27.01.2024 16:18

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Mandatory tagging of AI-powered works?

Artificial intelligence can help us, but it can also be a threat. American legislators are therefore thinking about a way to ensure the recognition of works made with the help of artificial intelligence.
Mandatory tagging of AI-powered works?

Artificial intelligence coupled with image editing tools provides a great way to enhance images. We still live in a world full of digital photos, we take more than a billion photos every year. Digital photos are an important part of our lives. Image enhancement tools, however, are especially critical for individuals engaged in specialized jobs, such as those involved in social media.

Artificial intelligence can help us, but it can also be a threat, for example when it is used to create fake images, photos and videos. However, since these types of actions are becoming more and more common and are being used more and more often by online criminals, the legislators had to intervene as well. Californian lawyers have gone one step further, as they are already considering a large number of laws that are supposed to legally "regulate" the field of artificial intelligence.

American lawmakers are considering a way to ensure the recognition of works created with the help of artificial intelligence. This is supposed to be a special marking of videos, photos, images and other works that were created with the help of technology. A special watermark could be used for this purpose, which would be mandatory for all providers of AI-based tools.

The labeling of works produced with the help of artificial intelligence is said to be especially beneficial to ordinary users, who could easily recognize works that were not made by human hands in this way. Unfortunately, there is currently no information on when the new legislation will become a reality.

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