Mobile technology
14.09.2023 10:15

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iPhone 12 banned in France due to excessive radiation!

Photo: Apple
Photo: Apple

Quite a few people associate the harmful radiation of modern mobile phones with cancer, although many experts claim that this is not true. While scientists have not yet been able to prove a direct link between phone radiation and cancer, the California Institute of Public Health recently prepared interesting instructions for the safe use of mobile devices. These are classic recommendations that everyone should follow, including those who do not believe in the harmfulness of phone radiation. These instructions are available at

The radiation of a smart mobile phone must, of course, be in accordance with the rules of the European Union. The radiation index of a mobile phone in the hands must not exceed 2.0 SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) units. In the pocket, its value must not exceed 4.0 SAR units. Therefore, it is not surprising that the French Radio Communications Agency was not satisfied with the radiation measurements of the iPhone 12 smartphone. This was immediately followed by a sales ban. In addition, Apple must cancel all iPhone 12 smartphones. In all probability, in the entire European market.

The experts tested a total of 12 iPhone 12 models. In all of them, they measured the level or index of radiation in the pocket as much as 5.47 SAR units or watts of radiation per kilogram. This means that the phone exceeds the permitted values by as much as 43.5 percent. Apple can avoid the sales ban and recall of iPhone 12 phones only if it manages to reduce the level of radiation with a software patch in the next few weeks.

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