Business solutions
28.08.2023 15:32

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There are still huge potential savings in the implementation of projects in Slovenia

In the conducted research on the implementation of projects in Slovenia, which was primarily aimed at determining the level of implementation of agile approaches, they managed to obtain a lot of other useful information.
There are still huge potential savings in the implementation of projects in Slovenia

The findings of the survey, in which 268 respondents participated, surprised everyone, unfortunately mainly in a negative sense.

Let's look at some key findings:

  • In Slovenian organizations, an average of 70 projects lasting a year and a half and worth €500,000 are carried out annually.
  • Only 55 % projects are completed by the deadline, 54 % within the budget, and 75 % achieve all the set goals in quality.
  • On average, projects are delayed by 28 % compared to the planned duration, exceed the planned costs by 18 %, and the final functionality deviates by 23 % from the plan.

The respondents rated the success of the projects somewhat better. In a 4-point scale, all indicators were assessed with average scores from 2.7 to 2.9. They were asked how they evaluate the satisfaction of the team members, the client's satisfaction, the financial success of the project, non-financial benefits (eg user satisfaction) and the impact of the project's effects on the team's performance.

If we look at the (in)efficient implementation of projects on an annual basis, we find that:

  • organizations lose an average of €3.4 million per year due to inadequate project management (ignoring lower revenues due to project delays),
  • all organizations together lost €920 million last year (for the same reason).

Of course, it could be argued that the mentioned excesses of time and costs occur due to unrealistic plans, but the POTI Agency still believes that the organization of the organization's projects is rather unorganized, since the use of key project management methods is at a low level: only 10 % of them, for example. use the critical path method regularly, and 47 % indicated that they never use the method.

Savings of up to tens of thousands of euros

In Slovenia, we still have a lot of reserves and opportunities for improvement! And also for consideration: if with a more systematic project management, only 1 % could be saved annually in the implementation of projects, the saving would be €63,000. Definitely a savings that makes investing in project manager training worthwhile.

A book was also published based on the research dr. Stare Aljaža: AGILE?! Projects, employees, companies, which currently contains the most comprehensive presentation of agile approaches. You can view the contents of the book in the POTI Agency's online bookstore.

The POTI Agency has been running the PROJECT Management Academy for several years, which covers the entire process of project work from the idea to ensuring the financial and business effects of project implementation.

You will be trained to:

  • effective planning and management of all types of projects,
  • systematic preparation of projects using proven methods and techniques of planning time, resources, costs and revenues,
  • successful achievement of goals,
  • preparation of the conceptual design of the project, financial analysis and determination of business value,
  • project planning and implementation using a combination of process and agile project management methods,
  • master the methods to implement the project in accordance with the planned means,
  • effective introduction of changes in order to ensure the financial and business effects of the project,
  • appropriate selection of the project organization.

At the practical training, you will receive knowledge - the necessary basis for obtaining both IPMA and PMI international certificates, and of course also for the NPK (national professional qualification), and you will implement your projects in a more organized and efficient manner (faster and cheaper), and the project approach it can also provide you with competitiveness and more successful business.

The systematic training of project managers covers nine workshops:

  • Project Management School or Project Management E-School
  • Project preparation - the basis for effective implementation and success of the project
  • An effective combination of agile, "lean" and "classic" project management methods
  • Economics, business value of projects and best practices for managing change and risk in project management
  • Methods of EVALUATION and SELECTION of projects
  • Project office and ensuring the success of projects in companies and organizations
  • An expert and also a great leader
  • Successful management of PROJECT teams or Management and motivation of modern (virtual) teams
  • Successful planning, organization and management of IT projects
  • Business Case Study
  • Project planning and use of MS Project

Based on your needs and prior knowledge, you can design an educational package - a series of several practical workshops yourself, and benefits are also available to you.

Become a great project manager and successfully complete all the projects!

You can find more at (PR)

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