PC & Mobile technology
29.11.2023 14:45

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In LPP, payment of the transport fee with payment cards has been made possible

From November 28, 2023, a new method of payment came into life on city buses in Ljubljana. Now, in addition to using Urbana and Valu (formerly Moneta), it is also possible to pay the transport fee with Visa and MasterCard payment cards.
Payment on LPP buses is now also possible with payment cards. Source: Visa Europe
Payment on LPP buses is now also possible with payment cards. Source: Visa Europe

The payment process is very easy, as the passenger only has to touch the payment card to the validator, just as he would do with Urbana. If the passenger is traveling in several zones (e.g. outside of Ljubljana), he must select the appropriate zone on the validator before the validation itself.

Payment for several people is carried out according to the same procedure as with Urbana, namely that before using the payment card, the passenger tells the driver how many tickets he wants to buy and only then touches the card to the terminal. As a result, the purchase of multiple tickets is only possible at the first validator and only if the passenger informs the driver of this.

If we touch the payment card or Urbana to the validator and want to buy another ticket by touching it again, the payment for the second person will not be made, as the terminal will only inform that the card has already been validated. That is why it is necessary to inform the driver of the number of passengers for whom we want to pay for the transport before using the card.

The price of the ticket is the same regardless of the medium with which the passenger pays the one-time fare, and amounts to €1.30 for one person.

However, the system still has some shortcomings compared to the implementation in other countries, as payment by payment card is only valid for the vehicle on which the passenger is validated and does not allow transfer between different buses without additional payment, as is the case with Urbana (90 minutes after the first validation).

Payment by payment card is thus primarily intended for irregular bus users, such as tourists and one-time travelers who do not need to transfer.

The control will be carried out in the same way as at Urbana, namely that at the request of the controller, the passenger will have to touch the payment card to his terminal, which will then report the data on the last validation.

It is also important to note that most people have several payment cards in their wallet (e.g. debit and credit cards, cards of different banks, private and business...). For this reason, it is very important that the card with which we want to pay is physically separated from other cards, because the terminal on the bus can recognize a card that is nearby and with which we do not want to make the payment.

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Visa card

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