29.01.2024 19:40

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HBO found Abby before filming season 2 of The Last Of Us

HBO found Abby before filming season 2 of The Last Of Us

HBO, which is preparing to shoot the second season of The Last of Us series, introduced us to the actress Kaitlyn Dever, who will play the character of Abby. We have already seen Kaitlyn in the series based on the game of the same developer Naughty Dog, namely Uncharted. At the same time, she was also the first to be chosen by the people for the role of Ellie, otherwise Bella Ramsey was officially given the role.

Druga sezona kultne serije bo sledila dogodkom iz igre The Last of Us 2, ki se je vsi, ki smo jo igrali, zagotovo dobro spomnimo. Čeprav je bila druga igra za marsikaoga sporna in jo je delno spremljalo škandalozno dogajanje, pa verjamemo, da bo serija požela velik uspeh. Če smo sledili prvi sezoni serije, smo lahko skorajda 100 % prepričani, da se bodo pisci natančno držali skripte iz igre in ne bodo odtavali preveč v neznano.

Photo: Reddit

Kot že rečeno pa ima Kaitly Dever pred sabo težko nalogo, saj bo morala odigrati lik, ki pri večini igralcev istoimenske videoigre ni najbolj priljubljen . Koliko bo to dejansko vplivalo nanjo in na serijo, pa bomo videli. Trenutno je večina odzivov na izbor igralke pozitivnih. Vse kaže, da je izbira Abby dobra tako značajno kot vizualno.

Now the main question: When will the new season of the series be released? Unfortunately, we don't know the exact date yet, but most likely only in 2025.

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