07.12.2023 06:32

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GTA VI: After a decade of waiting, we're getting a new GTA

After the trailer for the long-awaited blockbuster was leaked, the first look at the sixth game in the Grand Theft Auto series is finally here.
GTA VI: After a decade of waiting, we're getting a new GTA

After a low-quality copy of the trailer circulated online, developer Rockstar released the video 15 hours before the official release.

90-sekundni “teaser” je potrdil, da bo igra postavljena v Vice City, ki je nastal po navdihu Miamija. Prvič po devetdesetih letih prihaja glavna protagonistka Lucia.

But the wait is not over yet, as the game is not expected to be released until 2025.

The latest game in the series will be a sequel to the 2013 blockbuster GTA V, which became the second best-selling video game of all time behind Minecraft.

There have been seemingly endless rumors and leaks about GTA VI over the past decade.

The mere confirmation that a trailer was coming was enough to spark a flurry of headlines in November as desperate fans searched for any information about the new game.

The trailer features people racing cars, partying on boats, and a man pulling an alligator out of a swimming pool, all set to the American sounds of Tom Petty's Love is a Long Road.

“Gamerka” Jess, na spletu znana kot “Rage Darling”, običajno slovi po svojih RPG-jih za več igralcev, vendar je dejala, da je “vseskozi pazila” na prihajajočo igro.

"If you're not at all interested in GTA, you're pretty much the black sheep at this point. That's such a big deal,” je povedala za BBC Newsbeat.

Dodala je, da je bila serija “vedno moška igra”, vendar jo je nova ženska perspektiva navdušila.

Čeprav je minilo od protagonistke že dolgo časa – zadnja je bila na originalni konzoli PlayStation – meni, da bo vpliv na širšo industrijo velik.

"I think this will show a lot of other game developers and AAA developers that having a woman at the center of the action is not a problem,” she said.

More questions than answers

While the trailer gives fans plenty to chew on, there are still some questions that need to be answered.

The main question among them is which consoles the game will be released on, as this information was not revealed in the video.

Some time ago, Take-Two Interactive, the publisher of the game, announced that GTA VI will be released on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series S/X in 2025.

O datumu izida ali o morebitni različici za osebni računalnik zaenkrat ni novih informacij – če bodo sledili vzorcu prejšnjih iger v seriji, bo sledila tudi izdaja za osebni računalnik.

GTA IV and V were released on PC a few months after their console release.

Fans are also wondering who voiced the main character, Lucia, but the identity of the voice actor remains a mystery.

It took a long time for the new game to arrive, and James Binns, president of gaming media company Network N, said that this could be explained by the sheer success of GTA V, which sold 190 million copies worldwide.

"It is one of the biggest games in the world and now GTA is keeping it alive Online, an online game in which you rob banks and build gangs,” je dejal. Zdaj je večino tednov na vrhu igralnih lestvic za Xbox, PlayStation in PC.

"They spent over a billion dollars on GTA 6, so it's going to be epic in scale. It will be the most expensive game ever made.”

Earlier, the gaming giant's chairman Sam Houser said that the December release of the trailer would coincide with the 25th anniversary.

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