PC & Mobile technology
30.11.2023 10:33

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Google made it possible to block the use of its artificial intelligence

Source: Amy Kim/CNET
Source: Amy Kim/CNET

Google recently announced a new "standalone product token," Google-Extended, that allows control over whether Bard and Vertex AI can access content on a given website.

Bard is Google's conversational AI tool, similar to the most familiar ChatGPT. Vertex AI is Google's machine learning platform for building and deploying generative AI-powered search and chat applications.

“Danes najavljamo Google-Extended, nov način nadzora, ki ga lahko upravljalci spletnih strani uporabijo za izboljšanje Barda in Vertex AI, vključno z naslednjimi generacijami izdelkov, ki bodo temeljili na teh dveh modelih. Z uporabo Google-Extended lahko spletni administrator izbere, ali bo pomagal pri razvoju umetne inteligence, da bi postala skozi čas še bolj natančna in sposobna, ali ne. “
– Danielle Romain

What is Google-Extended anyway? It is a simple text file that website operators can use to block access to artificial intelligence developed by Google from using the website to retrieve data.

Vse, kar mora administrator določenega spletna mesta storiti je, da doda tekstovno datoteko “robots.txt”, v katero vnese dva preprosta parametra, in sicer “User-agent: Google-Extended”, kar sporoči Googlovi umetni inteligenci, da gre za “njega” in “Disallow: /”, kar pomeni, da do te spletne strani nima dostopa oziroma je ne sme “prebirati”.

Podobno opcijo ponuja GPTBot, ki blokira uporabo najpopularnejši umetni inteligenci ChatGPT, da bi “prebirala” spletne strani. Trenutno 242 strani od 1000 najpopularnejših na svetu že blokira dostop ChatGPT-ju. Med drugim tudi pinterest.com, theguardian.com, usatoday.com, stackexchange.com, webmd.com, dictionary.com, washingtonpost.com.

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ChatGPT artificial intelligence

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