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21.11.2023 10:30

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Good news for the Wonder Woman game

A new update for the upcoming Wonder Woman video game from Monolith Productions is good news for fans of the comic book heroine.
Good news for the Wonder Woman game

Despite the latest job listing stating that developer Monolith Productions is looking for a live-action game specialist, it appears that Wonder Woman won't be heading in that direction anyway, much to the delight and relief of many fans. It should be remembered that there was also a highly anticipated Marvel Avengers game with a live service, which in its case did not bear the desired fruits.

Wonder Woman was first announced at The Game Awards 2021, but there haven't been many substantial updates on the project since then. Monolith hasn't released a game since 2017's excellent Middle-earth: Shadow of War, so many fans are understandably eager to know more about the Wonder Woman project.

Although the Wonder Woman game has been largely shrouded in mystery since its initial announcement, a recent job posting has led many fans to believe that it could be a live-action game. The Wonder Woman job posting said that Monolith was looking for someone with live-action gaming experience, prompting speculation as well as immediate consternation from waiting gamers.

Live games can be highly controversial, and many fans were concerned. Of course, the most comments are directed at the monetization of such games, which, in addition to the initial high price required by a AAA game, the developer then adds many mechanisms to the game for slow progress, which, of course, can be accelerated with an additional financial injection.

Despite the rumors, Warner Bros. issued a statement to IGN clarifying that Wonder Woman is an open-world single-player game and not a live-action game. "Wonder Woman is not designed to be a live service," the statement read. That still doesn't mean Wonder Woman won't feature microtransactions, but at least fans don't have to worry about the game being live and loaded with everything related to that tag.

Aside from the fact that it's an open-world single-player game and not a live-action service, pretty much the only detail fans know for sure about the Wonder Woman game is that it will include the Nemesis system. Monolith innovated the Nemesis system in Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. It allows all enemies in the game to remember the player's actions, react accordingly and establish a relationship with the main character. It will certainly be interesting to see how this system works in a Wonder Woman game, so hopefully more information about the project will be revealed sooner or later.

Since Wonder Woman was first revealed at The Game Awards in 2021, she may be making a reappearance at this year's event. The Game Awards 2023 event (Dec. 7) will no doubt be full of big game reveals and announcements, and with Wonder Woman basically being one big unknown for the past two years, this year's event seems like a great time to reintroduce the game to the masses.

We don't know if that will happen. Maybe Warner Bros. wanted to keep the focus on the upcoming Suicide Squad game. Unlike Wonder Woman, Suicide Squad will have a live-action focus. The game was originally designed with an emphasis on the story, but was later adapted into a multiplayer experience that will require the player to always be connected to the Internet while playing. Otherwise, it will not be possible to launch the game. What the game will contain upon release is currently unknown. It's also unknown what the prices will be in the in-game store, which is more or less a given at this point. Whether gamers will be satisfied with the studio's decision is a bigger question. So far, such games have not achieved great success, although judging by the footage of Suicide Squad, it looks relatively promising.

Suicide Squad is coming to PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S on February 2, 2024.

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